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The program dependence graph and its use in optimization

Published: 01 July 1987 Publication History


In this paper we present an intermediate program representation, called the program dependence graph (PDG), that makes explicit both the data and control dependences for each operation in a program. Data dependences have been used to represent only the relevant data flow relationships of a program. Control dependences are introduced to analogously represent only the essential control flow relationships of a program. Control dependences are derived from the usual control flow graph. Many traditional optimizations operate more efficiently on the PDG. Since dependences in the PDG connect computationally related parts of the program, a single walk of these dependences is sufficient to perform many optimizations. The PDG allows transformations such as vectorization, that previously required special treatment of control dependence, to be performed in a manner that is uniform for both control and data dependences. Program transformations that require interaction of the two dependence types can also be easily handled with our representation. As an example, an incremental approach to modifying data dependences resulting from branch deletion or loop unrolling is introduced. The PDG supports incremental optimization, permitting transformations to be triggered by one another and applied only to affected dependences.


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John R. Levine

The program dependence graph (PDG) is a program representation that combines control flow and data flow information into a single structure. The authors cite previous work on control dependence graphs, which represent control flow without data flow, and on data dependence graphs, which show data flow without control flow. The PDG combines data flow and control flow information into a single structure that is useful for a variety of program transformations and optimizations. Nodes in the PDG represent statements, expressions, and predicates, and edges represent data values passed from one expression to another and control conditions that influence the order of execution. The authors start by showing how to construct a PDG from the control and data flow information in the original program. They then describe some variants of the PDG that may be more convenient for different source languages or various applications. The next section shows some applications of the PDG. The authors show how it can be used to find parts of a program that can be made parallel, to do code motion and loop fusion optimizations, and to find the parts of a program that can affect a given variable, which is useful in debugging. Finally, they discuss incremental optimization, which involves updating the PDG as an optimization is made, rather than having to examine the whole program again. For example, if an optimization removes some dead code, the data dependencies for that dead code can be removed directly. They claim that this procedure is much faster than the conventional equivalent. The PDG certainly appears to be a powerful mechanism that unifies a broad class of program analyses and transformations. My primary concern is that it also appears to be too complicated to construct and very large; the authors' estimate is 50 percent larger than the equivalent triples although it seems to me that their estimate is conservative. Nonetheless, they sketch out some impressive results, and we will probably be seeing many more PDG applications in the near future.

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cover image ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems
ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems  Volume 9, Issue 3
July 1987
166 pages
Issue’s Table of Contents


Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 01 July 1987
Published in TOPLAS Volume 9, Issue 3


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