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10.1145/1352922.1352926acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication Pagesicmi-mlmiConference Proceedingsconference-collections

The MERL motion detector dataset

Published: 15 November 2007 Publication History


Looking into the future of residential and office building Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs (MERL) has been collecting motion sensor data from a network of over 200 sensors for a year. The data is the residual traces of year in the life of a research laboratory. It contains interesting spatio-temporal structure ranging all the way from the seconds of individuals walking down hallways, the minutes in lobbies chatting with colleagues, the hours of dozens of people attending talks and meetings, the days and weeks that drive the patterns of life, to the months and seasons with their ebb and flow of visiting employees. This document describes that dataset, which contains well over 30 million raw motion records, spanning a calendar year and two floors of our research laboratory, as well as calender, weather, and some intermediate analytic results. The dataset was originally released as part of the 2007 Workshop on Massive Datasets. The dataset can be obtained from


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cover image ACM Conferences
MD '07: Proceedings of the 2007 workshop on Massive datasets
November 2007
15 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 15 November 2007


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  1. architecture
  2. data mining
  3. motion
  4. sensor networks
  5. tracking
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