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10.1145/1035167.1035187acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesicsocConference Proceedingsconference-collections

A concrete solution for web services adaptability using policies and aspects

Published: 15 November 2004 Publication History


Traditional middleware is usually developed on monolithic and non-evolving entities, resulting in a lack of flexibility and interoperability. Among current architectures, Service Oriented Architectures aim to easily develop more adaptable Information Systems. Most often, Web Service is the fitted technical solution which provides the required loose coupling to achieve such architectures. However there is still much to be done in order to obtain a genuinely flawless Web Service, and current market implementations still do not provide adaptable Web Service behavior depending on the service contract. Therefore, our approach considers Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP) as a new design solution for Web Services. Based on both WSDL and Policies contracts, this solution aims to allow better flexibility on both the client and server side. In this paper we expose our technical and concrete solution using Axis as the SOAP Engine, WSS4J as the WS-Security handler, and Javassist to weave some non-functional security aspects depending on the policies requirements.


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Michael W Gilbode

If you are a developer of enterprise software, you've no doubt heard of service-oriented architectures (SOA). To some, an SOA implemented using Web services technology is the enterprise software integration panacea. This paper attempts to weave its way through the hype, and present practical support and limitations for implementing a business ready SOA using some common Web services toolkits. The main premise of this paper is the addition of nonfunctional attributes of services, such as transactions and security, using dynamic policies. It is the opinion of the authors that dynamic policies are required to ensure the adaptability of the SOA. The paper does a fine job of providing a concrete example of using aspect-oriented programming (AOP) to implement dynamic policies for Web services using a collection of open source tools. The authors provide a thorough explanation of the problems of adaptability and interoperability, in the context of current Web services specifications and toolkits. The main shortcoming of the paper is that the authors do not clearly define their target audience. While they provide an elegant solution, it is still far more complex than the typical business software developer will be able to manage. Overall, the authors' attempts to explain the gaps in current Web services-based middleware technologies are well done. They provide the groundwork for some of the final steps that mainstream Web services toolkits will require to truly bring SOA to the enterprise. Online Computing Reviews Service

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cover image ACM Conferences
ICSOC '04: Proceedings of the 2nd international conference on Service oriented computing
November 2004
348 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 15 November 2004


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Author Tags

  1. adaptability
  2. aspect oriented programming
  3. reusability
  4. service
  5. service oriented architecture
  6. web service


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  • (2013)Leveraging Early Aspects in End-to-End Model Driven Development for Non-Functional Properties in Service Oriented ArchitectureInnovations in Database Design, Web Applications, and Information Systems Management10.4018/978-1-4666-2044-5.ch009(233-264)Online publication date: 2013
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