Agriculture is one of the most difficult and unpredictable industries. Despite this, technological advances in related industries can significantly reduce the negative impact of external factors by improving agricultural technologies and agricultural equipment, including through the introduction of unmanned mobile energy vehicles and robotic platforms for performing various agricultural operations. The interest of the scientific community in research on robotic systems for agricultural purposes is growing every year. Most of the reviewed publications are devoted to the development and improvement of computer vision systems, a description of the design of the developed robots and the results of their tests, as well as the development of autonomous control systems for robotic platforms, navigation and communication systems. At the same time, not a single solution for the development of agricultural robotic systems has currently reached the level of an economically accessible industrial design. This is due primarily to the high complexity and cost of development, applied technological solutions and equipment. The industrial introduction of agricultural robots will become possible only with the further significant development and cost reduction of the technologies and components used in them.
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