In the context of extended theories of teleparallel gravity f(T) we derive the focusing conditions for a one-parameter dependent congruence of timelike auto-parallels of the Levi-Civita connection. We also consider the f(T) field equations for a general metric tensor before moving on to consider a spatially flat Robertson-Walker space-time. Following this, we study the expansion rate for a one-parameter dependent congruence of timelike auto-parallel curves of the Levi-Civita connection. Given the fact that test particles follow auto-parallels of the Levi-Civita connection, the torsion-free Raychaudhuri equation is used in order to determine the desired focusing conditions. Finally we study the obtained focusing conditions for three f(T) paradigmatic cosmological models and discuss the satisfaction or violation of these conditions. Through this, we find f(T) models that allow for the weak and strong focusing conditions to be satisfied or violated. It is mentioned that this behaviour can also be found in the so-called f(R) and f(Q) theories.