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Issue 22, 2019

Self-evolved hydrogen peroxide boosts photothermal-promoted tumor-specific nanocatalytic therapy


The emerging nanocatalytic tumor therapy such as chemodynamic therapy (CDT) converts less harmful hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) into highly toxic hydroxyl radicals (˙OH) via metal ion-mediated catalytic Fenton chemistry, which has motivated extensive research interest due to the high specificity of the nanocatalytic reactions to the tumor microenvironment (TME) and minimized side effects. However, traditional CDT substantially suffers from the insufficiency of intratumoral H2O2 for inducing a satisfactory therapeutic efficacy. In this work, we report on a photothermally-promoted Fenton reaction triggered by self-supplied H2O2, based on the constructed two-dimensional (2D) multifunctional therapeutic Nb2C–IO–CaO2 nanoreactors with enhanced therapeutic efficacy and therapeutic biosafety. These Nb2C–IO–CaO2 nanoreactors employ calcium peroxide (CaO2) as a potent H2O2 supplier to sustain the iron oxide (IO) nanoparticle-mediated catalytic Fenton reaction, and to liberate highly toxic ˙OH for inducing tumor-cell apoptosis. Meanwhile, the intratumoral ˙OH production was further promoted by the photothermal effect of the Nb2C–IO–CaO2 nanoreactors under near infrared irradiation at the second biowindow. Extensive in vitro and in vivo evaluations have demonstrated significantly enhanced reactive oxygen species (ROS) production and an outstanding photothermal effect based on these Nb2C–IO–CaO2 nanoreactors, which synergistically lead to elevated therapeutic efficacy. Therefore, this work not only exhibits a promising prospect for reforming the TME to achieve enhanced Fenton reactivity for CDT by elaborately designed nanomaterials with multifunctionality, but also provides novel efficient cancer-therapeutic modalities with simultaneous high therapeutic efficacy and low side effects.

Graphical abstract: Self-evolved hydrogen peroxide boosts photothermal-promoted tumor-specific nanocatalytic therapy

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Article information

Article type
16 Mar 2019
25 Apr 2019
First published
29 Apr 2019

J. Mater. Chem. B, 2019,7, 3599-3609

Self-evolved hydrogen peroxide boosts photothermal-promoted tumor-specific nanocatalytic therapy

S. Gao, X. Lu, P. Zhu, H. Lin, L. Yu, H. Yao, C. Wei, Y. Chen and J. Shi, J. Mater. Chem. B, 2019, 7, 3599 DOI: 10.1039/C9TB00525K

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