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Issue 48, 2018

Electrical detection of plasmon-induced isomerization in molecule–nanoparticle network devices


We use a network of molecularly linked gold nanoparticles (NPSAN: nanoparticle self-assembled network) to demonstrate the electrical detection (conductance variation) of plasmon-induced isomerization (PII) of azobenzene derivatives (azobenzene bithiophene: AzBT). We show that PII is more efficient in a 3D-like NPSAN (cluster-NPSAN) than in a purely two-dimensional NPSAN (i.e., a monolayer of AzBT functionalized Au NPs). By comparison with the usual optical (UV-visible light) isomerization of AzBT, PII shows faster (a factor > ∼10) isomerization kinetics. Possible PII mechanisms are discussed: electric field-induced isomerization, two-phonon process, and plasmon-induced resonance energy transfer (PIRET), the latter being the most likely.

Graphical abstract: Electrical detection of plasmon-induced isomerization in molecule–nanoparticle network devices

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Article information

Article type
18 Sep 2018
08 Nov 2018
First published
09 Nov 2018

Nanoscale, 2018,10, 23122-23130

Electrical detection of plasmon-induced isomerization in molecule–nanoparticle network devices

D. Stiévenard, D. Guérin, S. Lenfant, G. Lévêque, C. A. Nijhuis and D. Vuillaume, Nanoscale, 2018, 10, 23122 DOI: 10.1039/C8NR07603K

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