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Issue 23, 2010

Nitrene addition to exfoliated graphene: a one-step route to highly functionalized graphene


We demonstrate a high yield method of functionalizing graphene nanosheets through nitrene addition of azido-phenylalanine [Phe(N3)] to exfoliated micro-crystalline graphite (μG). This method provides a direct route to highly functionalized graphene sheets. TEM analysis of the product shows few layer (n < 5) graphene sheets. The product was determined to have 1 phenylalanine substituent per 13 carbons.

Graphical abstract: Nitrene addition to exfoliated graphene: a one-step route to highly functionalized graphene

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Article information

Article type
22 Jan 2010
22 Apr 2010
First published
10 May 2010

Chem. Commun., 2010,46, 4097-4099

Nitrene addition to exfoliated graphene: a one-step route to highly functionalized graphene

T. A. Strom, E. P. Dillon, C. E. Hamilton and A. R. Barron, Chem. Commun., 2010, 46, 4097 DOI: 10.1039/C001488E

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