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Issue 11, 2015

Micromilling: a method for ultra-rapid prototyping of plastic microfluidic devices


This tutorial review offers protocols, tips, insight, and considerations for practitioners interested in using micromilling to create microfluidic devices. The objective is to provide a potential user with information to guide them on whether micromilling would fill a specific need within their overall fabrication strategy. Comparisons are made between micromilling and other common fabrication methods for plastics in terms of technical capabilities and cost. The main discussion focuses on “how-to” aspects of micromilling, to enable a user to select proper equipment and tools, and obtain usable microfluidic parts with minimal start-up time and effort. The supplementary information provides more extensive discussion on CNC mill setup, alignment, and programming. We aim to reach an audience with minimal prior experience in milling, but with strong interests in fabrication of microfluidic devices.

Graphical abstract: Micromilling: a method for ultra-rapid prototyping of plastic microfluidic devices

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
Tutorial Review
26 Feb 2015
13 Apr 2015
First published
14 Apr 2015

Lab Chip, 2015,15, 2364-2378

Micromilling: a method for ultra-rapid prototyping of plastic microfluidic devices

D. J. Guckenberger, T. E. de Groot, A. M. D. Wan, D. J. Beebe and E. W. K. Young, Lab Chip, 2015, 15, 2364 DOI: 10.1039/C5LC00234F

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