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Learning on topological surface and geometric structure for 3D molecular generation


Highly effective de novo design is a grand challenge of computer-aided drug discovery. Practical structure-specific three-dimensional molecule generations have started to emerge in recent years, but most approaches treat the target structure as a conditional input to bias the molecule generation and do not fully learn the detailed atomic interactions that govern the molecular conformation and stability of the binding complexes. The omission of these fine details leads to many models having difficulty in outputting reasonable molecules for a variety of therapeutic targets. Here, to address this challenge, we formulate a model, called SurfGen, that designs molecules in a fashion closely resembling the figurative key-and-lock principle. SurfGen comprises two equivariant neural networks, Geodesic-GNN and Geoatom-GNN, which capture the topological interactions on the pocket surface and the spatial interaction between ligand atoms and surface nodes, respectively. SurfGen outperforms other methods in a number of benchmarks, and its high sensitivity on the pocket structures enables an effective generative-model-based solution to the thorny issue of mutation-induced drug resistance.

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Fig. 1: Generated molecules and randomly sampled molecules for a COVID-19 target, 3CL protein.
Fig. 2: Illustration of SurfGen on real-world targets.
Fig. 3: Conditional generated molecules on shikimate kinase mutants.

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The data are available at Zenodo ( PDB IDs 1ZYU and 6LU7 are available in the PDB ( Source data are available with this paper.

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This work was financially supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (2022YFF1203003), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (22220102001, 82373791, and 81973281) and the Natural Science Foundation of Zhejiang Province (LD22H300001).

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Authors and Affiliations



O.Z. contributed to the main idea and code. T.W. and N.W. contributed to the paper writing and code reorganization. G.W. contributed to the collection of the dataset and the corresponding experiment. D.J. contributed to the real-world case of the COVID-19 target experiment. X.W., H.Z. and J.W. contributed to the data analysis and drawing. N.W. contributed to the assessment of LigBuilder and Morld methods. E.W. contributed to the instruction in physical concepts. G.C. and Y.D. contributed to the visualization and technique support. P.P. contributed to the suggestion of the mutation experiment with molecular generation protocol. Y.K. and C.-Y.H. contributed to the paper revision and experimental design. T.H. contributed to the essential financial support and conception, and was responsible for the overall quality.

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Correspondence to Yu Kang, Chang-Yu Hsieh or Tingjun Hou.

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Nature Computational Science thanks Huziel Sauceda and the other, anonymous, reviewer(s) for their contribution to the peer review of this work. Primary Handling Editor: Kaitlin McCardle, in collaboration with the Nature Computational Science team.

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Zhang, O., Wang, T., Weng, G. et al. Learning on topological surface and geometric structure for 3D molecular generation. Nat Comput Sci 3, 849–859 (2023).

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