Asparagales, the largest monocot order, is renowned for its ecological, economic, and medicinal significance. Here, we leverage transcriptome data from 455 Asparagales species to explore the phylogeny of Asparagales. Moreover, we investigate the evolutionary patterns of the genes involved in allium flavor formation. We not only establish a robust bifurcating phylogeny of Asparagales but also explore their reticulate relationships. Notably, we find that eight genes involved in the biosynthesis of allium flavor compounds underwent expansion in Allium species. Furthermore, we observe Allium-specific mutations in one amino acid within alliinase and three within lachrymatory factor synthase. Overall, our findings highlight the role of gene expansion, increased expression, and amino acid mutations in driving the evolution of Allium-specific compounds. These insights not only deepen our understanding of the phylogeny of Asparagales but also illuminate the genetic mechanisms underpinning specialized compounds.
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Asparagales consists of approximately 1030 genera and 39,000 species distributed across 14 families, including Orchidaceae, which is one of the largest families of angiosperms according to the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group [APG] IV1 and the Plants of World Online (POWO; https://powo.science.kew.org/). Known for their diverse applications, Asparagales species serve as vegetables (onions, chives, garlic, asparagus), spices (vanilla), and ornamentals (orchids) and possess medicinal properties (Gastrodiae Rhizoma [Tianma] and Dendrobii Caulis [Shihu] in China and Cypripedium species in North America). Despite several studies having investigated the phylogeny of Asparagales2,3, there is still uncertainty regarding its evolutionary relationships. One area of debate involves the families Ixioliriaceae, Tecophilaeaceae, and Doryanthaceae. Analyses based only on plastid rbcL supported a relationship (Ixioliriaceae, (Tecophilaeaceae, (Doryanthaceae, others)))4. In contrast, analyses using plastid genomes5 and nuclear genes6,7,8 suggested alternative topologies. Transcriptome-based phylogenetics are robust approaches9,10 that can be used to explore the phylogeny of Asparagales better.
Asparagales has a global distribution spanning all continents, with North America and Asia exhibiting the highest species diversity, according to POWO. Several studies investigated the biogeography of Asparagales11,12,13,14. For example, the ancestral area for Asteliaceae11, Blandfordiaceae11, Boryaceae11, Iridaceae13, and Orchidaceae14 was determined to be Australia. In total, biogeographic origins for 11 out of the 14 families within Asparagales are reported to be from Australia, South Africa, or Gondwana. However, the biogeographic origins of the remaining three families, Amaryllidaceae, Asparagaceae, and Asphodelaceae, remain to be determined. In the current phylogenomic era, it is promising to bridge our understanding of evolution by synthesizing evidence from phylogenomics and biogeographic patterns of plants15. Hence, additional analyses are imperative to reassess the biogeography of Asparagales.
The distinctive allium flavor is attributed to a wide variety of sulfur-containing compounds generated from S-Alk(en)ylcysteine sulfoxides (CSOs) found in Allium, such as garlic and onions. Major CSOs, such as alliin and isoalliin, serve as primary sources of medicinal and flavor compounds in Allium species16. The biosynthesis pathway for alliin and isoalliin originates from cysteine and involves at least seven steps17. When garlic bulbs are crushed, alliin undergoes successive conversion into allicin through the action of the enzyme alliinase17,18,19. Comparative analyses using genomic data from three Allium species (garlic [A. sativum], green onion [A. fistulosum], and onion [A. cepa]), Arabidopsis thaliana, and ten monocot species have revealed an expansion of alliinase and lachrymatory factor synthase (LFS), specifically in the three Allium species17. The study also revealed that LFS exists only in the three Allium species and is absent in others17. This finding is supported by a recent study20 in which the same three Allium species and 86 other species were used. Transcriptome analysis revealed that the alliinase, ATP-sulfurylase (ATPS), and O-acetylserine (thiol) lyase (OASTL) expanded in Chinese chive (A. tuberosum)21. Allium includes more than 1000 species, and CSOs are natural products characteristic of the genus16,22. It remains unclear whether these genes have widely expanded across Allium species. Additionally, although previous reviews hypothesized that CSOs exist in all Allium species16,22, whether the CSOs biosynthesis pathway commonly exists in Allium species also remains uncertain.
In this study, we used a dataset comprising transcriptome or genome data from 501 samples, with 196 samples from 169 species generated in this study. These samples represented 464 species, covering 13 of the 14 families within Asparagales, 37 Allium species, and nine outgroup species. Our study was designed to achieve three objectives: (1) establishing a robust phylogenetic framework for Asparagales; (2) exploring the biogeography of Asparagales; (3) examining the evolutionary patterns of genes involved in the CSOs biosynthesis pathway using high-resolution mass spectrometry, transcriptome-wide characterization, gene expression analyses with additional transcriptome sequencing, and molecular docking. Our study provides valuable insights into this diverse and ecologically significant order of Asparagales through these integrative approaches.
Results and discussion
Samples, phylogenetic analyses, and concordance analyses
We used 480 de novo assembled transcriptomes and 12 genomes from Asparagales, along with nine outgroups for phylogenetic reconstruction (Supplementary Data 1). We identified 857 nuclear orthologs across the 501 samples using DISCO23. Subsequently, coalescence-based (ASTRAL24) and concatenation (RAxML25) trees were inferred based on these nuclear orthologs. The inter-family relationships depicted in both trees are identical. Most branches in both trees exhibited maximum support [bootstrap support (BS) = 100 or ASTRAL local posterior probability (LPP) = 1] (Fig. 1a; Supplementary Fig. 1). Orchidaceae was resolved as a sister to all other families within Asparagales. The inter-family relationships observed in our trees are similar to those reported in previous studies, such as the Angiosperm Phylogeny Website (APweb)26, with two major differences. Specifically, our trees recovered a relationship of (Boryaceae, (Asteliaceae, (Lanariaceae, Hypoxidaceae))) (Fig. 1a), whereas APweb proposed a relationship of (Boryaceae, (Lanariaceae, (Asteliaceae, Hypoxidaceae))). Moreover, our trees reveal that (Tecophilaeaceae, Ixioliriaceae) sisters to a subclade comprised Iridaceae, Xeronemataceae, Asphodelaceae, Amaryllidaceae, and Asparagaceae with BS = 97 and LPP = 0.82 (Fig. 1b). Our results differ from the relationship inferred using 353 nuclear genes8, which suggested a relationship ((Tecophilaeaceae, Ixioliriaceae), Doryanthaceae). This discrepancy was also evident compared to that of APweb and our tree inferred from cpDNA (Fig. 1b and Supplementary Fig. 2).
a The species tree of Asparagales with each genus represented by one species. The species tree was inferred using ASTRAL with 857 nuclear genes from 501 samples (Supplementary Fig. 1). Subsequently, one species was selected for each genus from the ASTRAL tree. Pie charts represent gene trees for concordant bipartitions (blue), the most frequent alternative topology (green), remaining alternatives (red), and those uninformative for nodes (BS ≤ 50%) inferred from PhyParts. The numbers next to the branches represent the Quartet Sampling scores (QC, QD, and QI). Pie charts and numbers are displayed only for nodes included in PhyloNet analyses. (1) Polygonatum cyrtonema Hua, (2) Barnardia japonica (Thunb.) Schult. & Schult.f., (3) Muscari botryoides (L.) Mill., (4) Zephyranthes candida (Lindl.) Herb., (5) Allium cepa L., (6) Allium tuberosum Rottler ex Spreng., (7) Lycoris radiata (L’Hér.) Herb., (8) Hemerocallis fulva (L.) L., (9) Kniphofia uvaria (L.) Oken, (10) Crocus tommasinianus Herb., (11) Iris domestica (L.) Goldblatt & Mabb, (12) Cyanastrum cordifolium Oliv., (13) Ixiolirion tataricum (Pall.) Schult. & Schult.f., (14) Borya sp., (15) Cymbidium kanran Makino, (16) Bletilla striata (Thunb.) Rchb.f., (17) Paphiopedilum malipoense S. C. Chen & Z. H. Tsi., (18) Changnienia amoena S.S.Chien, (19) Pleione formosana Hayata, (20) Gastrochilus japonicus (Makino) Schltr. Photos were taken by Michael L. Moody, Ya-Dong Zhou, Zhong Zhang, Ye-Chun Xu, Xiao-Xiao Wang, Xue-Jia Zhang, Jia-Le Wang, Xiang-Yu Wang, and Ling-Yun Chen. b Topological comparison of trees inferred from different datasets or methods. Red lines indicate inconsistent relationships. APweb = Angiosperm Phylogeny Website. c The maximum posterior probability species network of Asparagales inferred with PhyloNet. The numbers next to the dashed lines indicate inheritance probabilities (γ). Source data underlying this figure is provided as Source Data file.
To assess gene tree discordance, we calculated the internode certainty all (ICA)27 score and identified the ratio of conflicting/concordant bipartitions through PhyParts28. We also calculated the Quartet Concordance (QC), Quartet Differential (QD), and Quartet Informativeness (QI) scores using Quartet Sampling (QS)29. The inter-family relationship of Asparagales exhibited varying degrees of support, with two notable exceptions: the clade ((Ixioliriaceae, Tecophilaeaceae), (Iridaceae, others)) and the clade (Iridaceae, others) (Fig. 1a and Supplementary Fig. 3). The discordance in these two clades was evidenced by 65/229 (concordant/discordant genes), 0.16 (ICA), and 0.18/0.51/0.99 (QC/QD/QI) for the former and 143/171, 0.21, and 0.34/0.37/0.98 for the latter (Supplementary Figs. 3 and 4). These findings align with the phylogenetic conflict discussed in the last paragraph, highlighting the inconsistencies among different studies. The monophyly for Orchidaceae, Asphodelaceae, Iridaceae, Hypoxidaceae, and Tecophilaeaceae garnered strong support, with ≥80% of informative gene trees exhibiting concordance (Fig. 1a), ICA ≥ 0.6, and high QS scores (QC/QD/QI ≥ 0.9/NA/1). However, Asparagaceae and Amaryllidaceae had weaker support. For example, Asparagaceae was backed by 136 of the 235 informative gene trees, ICA = 0.37, and QS score = 0.57/0.13/0.96.
The phylogenetic relationships in Asparagales are better explained by both bifurcating trees and networks
We selected 18 clades to evaluate potential reticulation and incomplete lineage sorting (ILS) using PhyloNet30 and MSCquartets31, including Asparagales, two clades in Asparagaceae, Allium (Amaryllidaceae), Asphodelaceae, two clades in Iridaceae, and 11 clades in Orchidaceae. These clades encompassed most nodes within Asparagales, which displayed either equal support for alternative topologies or clear signals of conflict, indicated by a higher prevalence of discordant genes over concordant genes, coupled with low ICA and QS scores.
For PhyloNet, the maximum posterior probability (MPP) networks with inheritance probability (γ) were analyzed, considering γ < 0.05 as ILS, 0.05 < γ < 0.5 as introgression or hybridization32. Among the 18 clades, ten clades showed reticulation or ILS signals (Supplementary Fig. 5). Specifically, introgression or hybridization was suggested for Asparagales, Allium (Amaryllidaceae), Asphodelaceae, Iris (Iridaceae), Dendrobium (Orchidaceae), and five Orchidaceae clades. Due to introgression and hybridization, the evolutionary relationship of organisms could be explained by combining tree- and network-based inference33. The relationship within these ten clades, which have reticulation, should be better explained by phylogenetic networks. However, we recognized that the γ may not accurately reflect historical events due to possible repeated hybridization or horizontal gene transfer30 during tens of million years of evolution, especially for the family-level relationships of Asparagales. The other eight clades showed no signals of reticulation (Supplementary Fig. 5). Phylogenetic conflict within these eight clades could be attributed to other factors, such as gene tree estimation error34. The relationship within these eight clades could be better represented by “true” bifurcating trees.
Results of the MSCquartets analyses generally aligned with those of PhyloNet, yielding similar conclusions for 17 of the 18 clades examined. For instance, PhyloNet suggested that the ancestor of the clade comprising Asteliaceae, Hypoxidaceae, and Lanariaceae inherited 33% of its genome from an extinct or unsampled taxon, possibly a sister group to Boryaceae, implying a historical hybridization event (Fig. 1c). Meanwhile, MSCquartets revealed that 8.4% of gene trees (indicated by red triangles) in the Asparagales clade rejected the “tree & star” model, with numerous points deviating significantly from the vertices to the centroid (Supplementary Fig. 5), also indicating non-tree-like relationships (hybridization and introgression). The only discrepancy between the two methods was observed in the clade Orchidaceae-8 (Supplementary Fig. 5). While PhyloNet detected no reticulation signals within this clade, 11.1% of gene trees in the MSCquartets analysis rejected the “tree & star” model, and approximately 15 points were positioned centrally, suggesting ILS or introgression. This inconsistency, while challenging to discern, is often expected in the detection of ancient ILS or introgression events30,35.
Overall, the family-level relationships of Asparagales, the species-level relationships of Allium, and the genus-level relationships of Asphodelaceae could be explained by networks. The genus-level relationships of Asparagaceae could be explained by bifurcating trees. The species-level relationships of Iris (Iridaceae) and relationships of Orchidaceae could be explained by both bifurcating trees and networks (Supplementary Fig. 5). Refer to Supplementary Note 1 for PhyloNet results of other lineages.
The most recent common ancestors of Asparagaceae, Amaryllidaceae, and Asphodelaceae may have originated from Africa during the Late Cretaceous
A time-calibrated tree of Asparagales was constructed using BEAST36, which incorporated 15 clock-like orthologs and leveraged seven calibration points (Supplementary Data 2). The estimated crown node age of Asparagales was 123.1 million years ago (Ma; 95% highest posterior density [HPD]: 99.2–143.8 Ma; Supplementary Fig. 6 and Supplementary Data 3). This age aligns closely with findings from recent studies, such as 123 Ma5 and 133 Ma37. The estimated crown node age for Orchidaceae was 99.2 Ma, which corresponds well with 101.5 Ma2 but is older than 83 ± 10 Ma38.
To explore the biogeographical origins of Asparagales, we carried out an ancestral area reconstruction analysis using BioGeoBEARS39 with a grafted phylogeny that included 310 taxa representing all 14 families within Asparagales (Supplementary Data 4 and Supplementary Fig. 7). The results indicated that the ancestral regions for Asparagales were likely Asia and Australia (Fig. 2 and Supplementary Data 5). Asparagales comprises two major clades: Clade I, represented by Orchidaceae, and Clade II, formed by the remaining families. Our analyses suggested that Orchidaceae may have originated from the combined regions of Asia and Australia at approximately 99 Ma. A recent study38, using a broad sampling of orchid lineages, inferred a Laurasian origin of Orchidaceae. Refer to Supplementary Note 2 and Supplementary Fig. 8 for a discussion on the biogeography of Orchidaceae. We did not specifically focus on the origins of Asparagales and Orchidaceae. As recommended40, further research with additional evidence is necessary to reassess their origins.
Biogeographic analysis was conducted using BioGeoBEARS with a tree that included 310 taxa within Asparagales. The left maps illustrate early major dispersal events within clade II. The arrows and numbers on the maps correspond to the arrows and node numbers on the trees depicted in this figure. The biogeographic patterns of other families are shown in Supplementary Fig. 7. The maps were created using ArcGIS v. 10.8 software. The country boundary data is sourced from the World Geographical Scheme for Recording Plant Distributions (https://github.com/tdwg/wgsrpd). Source data underlying this figure is provided as Source Data file.
For Clade II, the most likely ancestral area of its most recent common ancestor (MRCA) was Australia. Within Clade II, an early dispersal from Australia to Africa occurred for the subclade formed by Asparagaceae, Amaryllidaceae, and Asphodelaceae at approximately 84 Ma (node 1 in Fig. 2). At that time, Australia and Africa were connected via Antarctica41. Notably, no previous study has investigated the biogeographic origin of Asparagaceae, Amaryllidaceae, and Asphodelaceae. Our analyses identified Africa and Asia as the ancestral areas for Asparagaceae and Africa as the most likely ancestral area for Amaryllidaceae and Asphodelaceae. Within Asparagaceae, dispersals from Africa or Asia to North America were inferred for the subclade formed by Agave, Manfreda, Echeandia, and their relatives (node 2 in Fig. 2; crown age, ca. 20.0 Ma), and the subclade formed by Bessera, Milla, Androstephium, their relatives (node 3 in Fig. 2). From North America, several Asparagaceae genera, such as Agave (node 4 in Fig. 2) and Beaucarnea, migrated to South America. Following their African origin, Amaryllidaceae and Asphodelaceae underwent dispersal to South America, North America, and Asia. In the case of Amaryllidaceae, the subclade formed by Eucrosia, Caliphruria, Griffinia, etc (node 5 in Fig. 2; crown age, ca. 25.4 Ma) was inferred to be South America. At that time, South America and Africa were already separated by ocean41, indicating that this separation can be attributed to transoceanic dispersal. From South America, several genera within Amaryllidaceae, such as Caliphruria, Eithea, and Haylockia, migrated to North America. For Asphodelaceae, a dispersal event from Africa back to Australia was inferred for the subclade formed by Thelionema, Herpolirion, Xanthorrhoea, etc (node 6 in Fig. 2). Subsequently, dispersal from Australia to South America (Eccremis and Pasithea) occurred for several taxa (node 7 in Fig. 2). Refer to Supplementary Data 5 for ancestral areas of all the 14 families.
Genes involved in the CSOs biosynthesis pathway widely exist in Asparagales but have expanded in Allium
We employed ultra-high performance liquid chromatography (UPLC) with quadrupole time-of-flight (QTOF) mass spectrometry (MS) to detect eight compounds in the CSOs biosynthesis pathway across nine Allium species and seven other species within Asparagales. The results indicated that three compounds upstream of the CSOs biosynthesis pathway—serine, valine, and glutathione—were detected in both Allium and non-Allium species (Fig. 3a). However, the remaining five compounds were exclusively detected in Allium species (Fig. 3a and Supplementary Figs. 9 and 10). Refer to Supplementary Data 6 for details about the compounds. Notably, γ-glutamyl-S-allylcysteine emerged as the most upstream metabolite, specific to Allium in the pathway. The gene responsible for synthesizing γ-glutamyl-S-allylcysteine could play a pivotal role in the pathway despite its unreported status.
a A summary of metabolites identified for 16 Asparagales species. b Extracted-ion chromatograms of isoalliin and alliin from nine Allium species. Plant photos were taken by Bing Liu, Xiao-Wei Xin, Xiao-Xiao Wang, and Ling-Yun Chen. c Secondary ion fragments for alliin and isoalliin are depicted as shaded areas on the chromatograms. Red numbers indicate the characteristic secondary fragment ion of alliin.
Two upstream sub-pathways, designated as way 1 (glutathione biosynthesis) and way 2 (valine catabolism), as illustrated in Fig. 4a, along with a downstream sub-pathway, comprised a total of 13 genes (Supplementary Data 7), involved in CSOs biosynthesis. Gene trees were constructed, and gene copy numbers for each species were quantified (Supplementary Figs. 11–15). The Mann–Whitney U test indicated that three genes in way 1 (OASTL, GSH1 [encoding γ-glutamylcysteine synthetase], and GCL [encoding γ-glutamylcysteine ligase]), two genes in way 2 (KARI [encoding ketol-acid reductoisomerase] and DHAD [encoding dihydroxy-acid dehydratase]), and three genes in the downstream sub-pathway (GGT [encoding γ-glutamyl transpeptidases], alliinase, and LFS) underwent expansion in Allium species compared to non-Allium species (P < 0.05; Fig. 4b). Refer to Supplementary Data 8 and 9 for the number of gene copies in other species and in previous studies17,20. Furthermore, a comparison between early Allium species and non-Allium species also demonstrated an expansion in GGT, alliinase, and LFS within Allium (P < 0.05). A previous study20 suggested that the pathway may have evolved from an ancient, yet uncharacterized, plant defense system, with alliinase and LFS experiencing Allium-specific expansion. However, this hypothesis was based on genomic data from only three closely related Allium species. By analyzing metabolite data from 16 species and transcriptomes from 110 species, our findings revealed that homologs of genes involved in CSOs biosynthesis are widespread in Asparagales, with eight out of the 13 genes undergoing significant expansion in Allium.
a The CSOs biosynthetic pathway in Allium. b Number of gene copies for representative species within Amaryllidaceae and results of the two-sided Mann–Whitney U test. Green pies next to species names indicate the three species that utilized genomic data, while other species utilized de novo assembled transcriptomes. The Mann–Whitney U test was conducted based on gene copy numbers inferred from de novo assembled transcriptomes of 34 Allium species and 14 non-Allium species. The medians and P-values are shown in the table. For example, 0.013 indicates the P-value for Allium vs. non-Allium of gene OASTL, while 6 vs. 3.5 indicates the medians for the two groups. c Duplication types. Asterisks indicate the genes significantly expanded in Allium species. d Gene expression level. The expression level was calculated by averaging the expression of all copies(y) within a gene for each species and summarizing the expression of all copies(y) of a gene separately for each species. Source data underlying panel (d) is provided as Source Data file.
Gene trees revealed that six of the eight genes known to have undergone expansion in Allium, namely, GSH1, GCL, KAR1, GGT, alliinase, and LFS, duplicated at the MRCA of Allium (Supplementary Figs. 11–15), with alliinase and LFS experiencing at least three times of duplications (Supplementary Fig. 15). In contrast, the five non-expanded genes did not. Moreover, the alliinase and LFS formed species-specific clusters (Supplementary Fig. 15), indicating their independent expansions, consistent with Liao et al.17. Whole-genome duplication (WGD) analyses using Tree2GD42 and the methods of Yang et al.43 (map_dups_mrca.py) supported a WGD event that occurred at the MRCA of Allium (Supplementary Data 10). Three (OASTL, alliinase, and LFS) of the eight expanded genes are indeed included within the 1029 AABB gene clusters that supported the WGD at the MRCA of Allium. Analyses using DupGen_finder44 indicated that the 13 genes derived from dispersed, proximal, tandem duplications with two OASTL copies in A. sativum derived from WGD (Fig. 4c). In conclusion, the expansion of genes in the CSOs biosynthesis pathway could be attributed to WGD, dispersed, proximal, and tandem duplications.
The gene expansion of alliinase and LFS may aid Allium species in responding to external stimuli17; however, the types of stimuli remain unknown. Our divergence time estimation revealed that the diversification of the two genes in Allium occurred in recent 10 Ma with a median age of approximately 5 Ma (Supplementary Fig. 16), much younger than the MRCA of Allium (40 Ma; Supplementary Fig. 6). Notably, there has been a significant increase in the global insect population over the past 10 million years45. Several insect larvae, such as Delia antiqua46, and leaf miners, such as Phytomyza gymnostoma, feed on Allium species. Considering the concurrent diversification of insects47,48, it is plausible that the expansion of these two genes serves as a defense mechanism against insect predation, as proposed49,50. To investigate whether there is a gene with a timescale of duplication similar to alliinase and LFS, we explored research on the evolution of metabolites and their corresponding genes across various studies, such as those on steroids51, benzylisoquinoline alkaloid52, and terpenoids53. However, there was no common pattern regarding the timescale of gene family evolution related to plant metabolites. This variability could be explained by the different environments in which plants live and the diverse ecological functions of plant metabolites, such as attracting pollinators and resisting biotic and abiotic environmental stressors54. Furthermore, no similar timescale phenomena were observed for genes associated with plant metabolite resistance to insects; however, such a phenomenon was noted for rye Pm3- and wheat Pm8- like genes, which are related to pathogen resistance55.
The gene expression levels for each of the 13 genes in the pathway were assessed across nine Allium species and seven other species from Asparagales with 48 transcriptomes. Expression was measured using two strategies: averaging the expression of all copies(y) within a gene in a species and summarizing the expression of all copies(y) within a gene in a species (Fig. 4d). Both strategies indicated that the upstream genes in the pathway exhibited relatively low expression levels. Conversely, the downstream genes exhibited relatively high expression levels in Allium species, in contrast to those in non-Allium species. Interestingly, analyses of genes involved in the biosynthesis of terpenoids, particularly within Lamiaceae, a family renowned for terpenoid richness, showed an opposite pattern, with upstream genes being highly expressed and downstream genes exhibiting low expression levels56.
A comparison across nine Allium species revealed that, except AHAS and BCAT, 11 of the 13 genes exhibited higher expression levels in the bulb than in the leaf (Supplementary Fig. 17). A previous study reported that garlic bulbs contain a higher concentration of alliin compared to leaves57. Our findings revealed that the FMO gene, which involves the last step of alliin synthesis, exhibits a higher expression in the bulb than in the leaf, aligning with the results of Yang et al.57 and Yoshimoto et al.58. However, compared to our results, the FMO exhibited an opposite expression pattern in two studies17,59. This inconsistency could be explained by the factor that the expression of genes in CSOs biosynthesis varied during different growth stages58. Further research is needed to explore the relationship among developing stages, organs, and CSOs biosynthesis.
Mutations occurring in the substrate-binding pockets play crucial roles in the CSOs biosynthesis pathway
To uncover gene motif(s) potentially linked to CSOs biosynthesis, motif analyses were conducted on the 13 genes involved in the pathway (Supplementary Data 11). The findings revealed that PCS and LFS exhibited Allium-specific gene features. Specifically, the PCS in Allium lacks motif 8, which is conserved in other species, and the LFS possesses Allium-specific motifs 12 and 14 (Fig. 5a and Supplementary Figs. 18–21). Conversely, the remaining genes did not show motif-level differences between Allium and non-Allium species.
a Schematic representation of the motifs for the LFS. b Specific mutations located in the binding pockets of alliinase and LFS. A comparison of the sequence logos of Allium species (633 sequences of alliinase and 515 of LFS) and non-Allium species (48 sequences of alliinase and 53 of LFS) is shown. c 3D structural models and LigPlot+ diagrams for alliinase/alliin. d 3D models and LigPlot+ diagrams for LFS/(E)-1-propene−1-sulfenic acid (1-PSA). The amino sites in the binding pockets are shown in light blue, substrates are shown in yellow, and PLP cofactors are shown in pink in the 3D models. Hydrogen bonds are displayed as green dashed lines, while hydrophobic (or non-bonded) interactions are displayed as red opposite arcs in LigPlot+ diagrams. Source data underlying panels (a) and (b) are provided as Source Data file.
We then performed multiple sequence alignments for the 13 genes in the CSOs biosynthesis pathway. The results unveiled 34 Allium-specific mutations in GSH2, PCS, GGT, FMO, alliinase, and LFS (Supplementary Data 12). Among these mutations, one site in alliinase (Q388) and three sites (F84, F104, and W155) in LFS (Fig. 5b) are likely linked to CSOs biosynthesis. Specifically, these sites in alliinase and LFS are situated within the substrate-binding pockets of A. sativum or A. cepa, as reported60,61 (Supplementary Data 13).
Our molecular docking analyses demonstrated that the site Q388 in A. sativum alliinase formed hydrophobic (or non-bonded) interactions with the substrate alliin, whereas the corresponding site in non-Allium alliinase did not engage in such interactions (Fig. 5c). The sites F84, F104, and W155 in the Allium cepa LFS (AcLFS) engaged in hydrophobic (or non-bonded) interactions with the substrate (E)−1-propenesulfenic acid (1-PSA) (Fig. 5d). However, these three sites in non-Allium LFSs did not form hydrophobic interactions with the substrate 1-PSA. Previous research utilizing site-directed mutagenesis, protein expression, and activity assays found that mutagenesis at F104 comparatively reduced the activity of AcLFS61. The side chain of F84, adjacent to E88—a validated active site—serves as an indicative residue for the binding state of AcLFS61. The research61 also identified E88, Y102, and Y114 as active sites. Our molecular docking analyses confirmed that E88, Y102, and Y114 form hydrogen bonds with 1-PSA. Interestingly, although the three sites E88, Y102, and Y114 are conserved across Allium and non-Allium LFSs, neither Y102 nor Y114 exhibited hydrogen bonds with the substrate 1-PSA in non-Allium species (Fig. 5d). Overall, our findings suggest that mutations at the four identified sites (Q388 in alliinase and F84, F104, and W155 in LFS) may impact protein substrate recognition, consequently influencing metabolite production. Since alliinase and LFS are positioned downstream in the CSOs biosynthesis pathway (Fig. 4a), the four sites are unlikely to be the key enzymes determining whether a plant produces CSOs. Nevertheless, the four mutations in alliinase and LFS might contribute to the diversity of CSOs, such as the formation of alliin and isoalliin. The functions of these four sites require further verification through wet lab experiments.
In summary, our study generated a robust phylogenetic tree of Asparagales, shedding light on the African origins of Amaryllidaceae, Asparagaceae, and Asphodelaceae. We demonstrated that gene expansion, increased expression, and particularly amino acid mutations play pivotal roles in the biosynthesis of allium flavor compounds. The transcriptome dataset generated in this study promises to propel future research in multiple fields significantly. Overall, this study contributes valuable insights into the phylogeny of Asparagales and the evolution of the CSOs biosynthesis pathway.
A workflow representing the methodological steps employed in this study is presented in Supplementary Fig. 22.
Sampling, sequencing, and transcriptome processing
We collected 196 samples from China between 2018 and 2022 (Supplementary Data 1). Most of these samples were collected from natural populations, with a small subset originating from botanical gardens (Supplementary Data 1). For samples collected during natural populations, we obtained proper permission from the land managers. For samples collected from botanical gardens, we obtained permission from these gardens. RNA-seq reads (2 × 150 bp) were generated for these samples. Sequencing was carried out using the Nova HiSeq 4000 platform or the Beijing Genomic T7 platform. Additionally, 16 samples were sourced from published whole-genome sequencing data, while 289 were derived from RNA-seq reads obtained from NCBI SRA. In total, 501 samples across 464 species were sampled (Supplementary Data 1). Among the 501 samples, 492 samples from 455 species are from Asparagales, representing 160 of the 1144 genera and 13 of the 14 families encompassed by Asparagales. Among the 501 samples, one species from Acorales, four from Alismatales, one from Petrosaviales, one from Dioscoreales, and two from Liliales were outgroups according to the APG IV1 classification.
The processing of raw reads, assembly, and translation followed the pipeline outlined by Y. Yang and S.A. Smith (https://bitbucket.org/yanglab/phylogenomic_dataset_construction/). Specifically, sequencing errors in raw reads were corrected using Rcorrector v.1.0.462. Adapters and low-quality bases were removed using Trimmomatic v.0.38 with parameters SLIDINGWINDOW:4:15 LEADING:5 TRAILING:4 MINLEN:8063. Then, organelle reads were filtered using Bowtie2 v.2.3.564 by mapping to Magnoliophyta organelle genomes obtained from the NCBI Organelle Genome Resources database (accessed October 17, 2018). Over-represented reads were detected by FastQC v.0.11.9 (https://www.bioinformatics.babraham.ac.uk/projects/fastqc/) and removed. Transcriptomes were assembled using Trinity v.2.3.265. Then, the longest transcript within each Trinity “gene” was extracted using the script get_longest_isoform_seq_per_trinity_gene.pl in Trinity, followed by translated into coding sequences (CDS) and peptides (PEP) using TransDecoder v.5.5.066.
Phylogenomic analyses and discordance assessment
To identify orthologs, we first conducted an all-by-all BLASTN search using NCBI BLAST v.2.9.0+67 for the CDSs across the 501 samples. Putative homolog groups were clustered using MCL v.1.3768. Homolog groups were aligned using MAFFT v.7.40769 with the settings “--genafpair --maxiterate 1000”, and low occupancy columns were trimmed using Phyutility70 (all sequences in this study were aligned using MAFFT and trimmed using Phyutility unless otherwise noted). A maximum likelihood (ML) gene tree was constructed for each homolog group with RAxML v.8.2.1225 (all ML trees in this study were inferred using RAxML with the GTRCAT model and 100 bootstrap replicates unless otherwise noted). Next, orthologs were inferred using DISCO v.1.3.123. The alignments for the orthologs were concatenated, and then an ML tree of Asparagales was built using the concatenated dataset. Additionally, individual gene trees were generated for each ortholog and a species tree was then inferred from these gene trees with ASTRAL v.5.7.324.
Moreover, a phylogenetic tree of Asparagales was constructed using 75 CDSs from chloroplast genomes to gain further insights into the evolutionary relationships within the group. Plastome sequences for 867 species were obtained from GenBank. As plastomes for the families Boryaceae, Ixioliriaceae, Lanariaceae, and Blandfordiaceae are inaccessible from GenBank, five CDSs for these families were accessed from GenBank. After sequence alignment, CDSs were concatenated, and an RAxML tree was constructed (Supplementary Fig. 2).
To investigate discordance, the nuclear ortholog trees were rooted with outgroups. Then, each rooted tree was compared against the ASTRAL tree using PhyParts v.0.0.128, with a bootstrap (BS) support cutoff of 50%, to obtain the proportion of concordant/conflicting bipartitions and ICA scores. An ICA close to 1 indicates strong concordance in the bipartition of interest, whereas an ICA closer to 0 indicates equal support for one or more conflicting bipartitions. A negative ICA indicates that the internode of interest conflicts with one or more bipartitions that are more frequent27. Additionally, an ICA value close to −1 indicates a lack of concordance for the bipartition of interest27.
To distinguish nodes lacking support from those exhibiting signals of conflict, Quartet Sampling v.1.3.129 was performed with 100 replicates using the concatenated nuclear ortholog alignment and the ML tree inferred from the dataset. A QC value close to 1 suggests that all quartets are concordant, while a QC close to 0 suggests equivocal concordant/discordant quartets. A negative QC suggests that discordant quartets occur more frequently than concordant ones. No QD indicates no alternative topology (i.e., QC = 1). A QD close to 1 suggests that the two alternative topologies are present at equal frequencies, whereas a QD close to 0 suggests a preference for one of the two alternative topologies. Last, a QI value near 1 suggests that all replicates provide informative data, whereas a value close to 0 suggests uncertainty among the replicates.
Phylogenetic networks
To estimate phylogenetic networks that accommodate both reticulation (e.g., hybridization) and ILS, Bayesian inference was conducted with PhyloNet v.3.8.230. Considering computational constraints and our specific interest in clades manifesting a distinct signal of conflict, we streamlined our sampling to 18 clades. The 18 clades included Asparagales (including 14 species), two clades in Asparagaceae (9 and 6 species separately), Amaryllidaceae (12 species), Asphodelaceae (9 species), two clades in Iridaceae (8 and 10 species separately), and 11 clades in Orchidaceae (eight to 14 species separately). We included only orthologs that are found in all species. In this way, we included 163 to 582 orthologs for these groups. Five independent runs were applied for each group. Searches were carried out, allowing up to three reticulation events. MCMC chains of 30 million with sample frequencies of 3000 were carried out for each group. Searches were performed using one cold chain with a temperature of 1.0 and two hot chains with temperatures of 2.0 and 3.0, respectively. Pseudo-likelihood was applied to speed up the searches. PhyloNet30 calculated inheritance probabilities (γ) that represent the proportion of genes contributed by each parental population to a given hybrid node. The first 25% of the iterations were set as burn-in. Moreover, we used the function quartetTreeTestInd in the MSCquartets v.2.031 with the “T3 model” to evaluate the level of ILS within the 18 clades.
Divergence time estimation and biogeographic inference
Divergence time estimation was accomplished through BEAST v.2.6.336, utilizing seven calibration points. These calibration points included three within Asparagales, three within outgroups, and one at the root of all samples (Supplementary Data 2). Calibrations were only applied to the nodes with high support in phylogenetic analyses. Due to the vast size of the phylogenomic dataset, fifteen clock-like orthologs were selected using SortaDate71 with the parameter “--order 1, 2, 3”. In BEAST, the Gamma site model was applied with estimated Substitution Rate, estimated Proportion Invariant and Subst model, Relaxed Clock Log-Normal model, and Log-Normal priors. Six independent analyses were conducted, each running for one billion generations and sampled every 2000 generations. During the MCMC chain, the tree was fixed with the ML tree inferred from the 857 orthologs. The effective sample size scores for all relevant estimated parameters were checked to ensure values ≥200 using Tracer v.1.7.172. The first 10% of trees were discarded as burn-in, and the remaining trees were used to generate a summary tree with TreeAnnotator v.2.6.336.
For biogeographic inference, a grafted phylogeny consisting of 310 Asparagales taxa was used. For the construction of the grafted phylogeny, we used the inter-family relationships depicted in the Asparagales species tree (Fig. 1a) as a backbone. Orchidaceae has more than 26,000 species and ca. 705 genera (the Plants of the World Online [http://www.plantsoftheworldonline.org/]). Sampling all these species or genera within Orchidaceae can be quite challenging due to their vast diversity. To represent Orchidaceae, 16 genera and 51 subtribes within Orchidaceae with relationships compiled from previous studies2,38 were added to the backbone. Each of the family Amaryllidaceae, Asparagaceae, Asphodelaceae, and Iridaceae has more than 40 genera (World Flora Online: http://www.worldfloraonline.org). To represent the genera within these families, we first constructed ML trees using ITS sequences obtained from GenBank for the four families separately. Then, we added the genera that only existed in these ML trees to the reported phylogenies of the four families (Supplementary Data 4). The natural distribution of each taxon was accessed from the POWO (retrieved 12 October 2023). According to our phylogenetic analyses and the classification of POWO, all the 14 families and genera for which we proposed possible dispersal routes are monophyletic (Fig. 2). Eight geographical areas were designated: Europe (A), Africa (B), mainland Asia (C), South Asian islands (D), Australia and Papua New Guinea (E), North America (F), South America (G), and Pacific (H), similar to the study on Orchidaceae14. However, unlike the study14, we have distinguished Europe and mainland Asia as separate regions, reflecting their significant geological separation during the period (100–40 Ma) when the Asparagales families originated. This approach aligns with methodologies adopted in other biogeographic studies, including those on Dryopteris73. Ancestral areas were reconstructed using BioGeoBEARS39 with the best-fit model BAYAREALIKE + J. The maximum number of areas allowed at each node was set to three.
Compound measurement
The qualitative identification of eight compounds in the CSOs biosynthesis pathway was conducted across nine Allium species and seven other species within Asparagales. Bulbs or leaves were used. Each sample weighing 0.10–0.15 g was placed in a 2 mL centrifuge tube with two 3 mm steel balls and 1000 μL of a methanol/deionized water mixture (7:3, v/v). After being rubbed with a tissue grinder, the samples were homogenized for 30 seconds, sonicated for 30 minutes, and centrifuged at 13,000 rpm for 10 minutes at room temperature. The resulting extracts were filtered through a 0.22-μm filter and stored at −20 °C for later analysis.
Eight compounds were identified. Among them, serine, glutathione, valine, S-allylcysteine, alliin, and isoalliin were identified by comparing their retention time and m/z values of fragment ions to authentic standards. Isoalliin was identified at a retention time of approximately 5.1 min, while alliin was detected at approximately 5.3 min (Fig. 3b). Additionally, alliin presented a secondary ion fragment with an m/z value of approximately 137.0139 (Fig. 3c), a feature not observed for isoalliin. γ-glutamyl-S-allylcysteine and allicin were confirmed by comparing their m/z values of fragment ions to those in PubChem (https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/) and MASSBANK. Glutathione and alliin were purchased from Shanghai Yuanye Biotechnology Company, Shanghai, China. S-allylcysteine and isoalliin were purchased from Caoyuankang Biotechnology Company, Chengdu, China. Serine and valine were purchased from Energy Chemical, Saen Chemical Technology Company, Shanghai, China. All reagents are analytical grade (≥98.0% pure). A concentration of 25–30 μg/mL for each standard was used.
Qualitative identification was performed on the SCIEX ZenoTOFTM 7600 (SCIEX, Foster City, CA, USA) with the ESI source coupled to a UPLC system (ExionLC AE system, Shimadzu, Japan). The UPLC conditions followed Liao et al.17 with slight changes. The chromatographic separation was performed on a Waters BEH amide column (100 × 2.1 mm, 1.7 μm) maintained at 20 °C with a flow rate of 0.6 mL/min. The mobile phase A contained deionized water with 0.5% formic acid (v/v), and mobile phase B contained acetonitrile with 0.5% formic acid (v/v). The following gradient elution was used: 0–4 min, 10–15% A; 4–8 min, 15–60% A; 8–15 min, 10% A; and an injection volume of 1 μL. For QTOF, the mass spectrometer was operated in the positive ESI mode with a SCIEX Turbo V™. The PeakView v.1.2 (AB SCIEX, Foster City, CA, USA) was used to analyze the data obtained from the information-dependent acquisition (IDA) method. The spray voltage and ion source temperature were set to 5.5 kV and 450 °C, respectively. The declustering potential (DP) was set to 60 V. The ion source gas 1, ion source gas 2, curtain gas, and CAD gas were set to 50, 50, 35, and 9 psi, respectively. The MS/MS spectra were generated in product ion scan mode at a collision energy (CE) of 15 V with a CE spread of 5 V. Parent ions scan ranged from m/z 50 to 800 Da with a 0.15 s accumulation time, and the product ions scan ranged from 30 to 800 Da with a 0.045 s accumulation time. Three biological replicates were used for all accessions.
Evolution of genes in the CSOs biosynthesis pathway
Thirteen genes involved in the pathway of CSOs biosynthesis were selected (Fig. 4a) according to previous studies16,17,19,20. To investigate gene copy numbers, we compiled a dataset comprising transcriptomes from 110 species. Each gene within the pathway was individually utilized as a “bait” to search against the dataset with SWIPE v.2.1.074. A maximum of 100 hits was retained for each species. Candidate genes were filtered using Pfam domains with InterProScan75 (Refer to Supplementary Data 7 for information about bait genes and Pfam domains). Orthologs for each gene family were classified based on their ML trees. Each gene family may include multiple ortholog groups. Orthologs that included the bait genes and had no gene duplication at the MRCA of Asparagales were treated as the orthologs most likely related to CSOs biosynthesis. Then, the number of gene copies in each species was determined from these ortholog groups (Supplementary Figs. 11–15). A two-sided Mann–Whitney U test was conducted using SPSS v.22 (IBM Corp. Released 2013). The mode of gene duplication for these genes was investigated using DupGen_finder-unique44. In addition, the WGD events within Amaryllidaceae were investigated. Whether the WGD events led to gene copy number increase was checked. WGD events within Amaryllidaceae were investigated using Tree2GD v.1.0.3742 and the script map_dups_mrca.py43. These two methods calculate the number and proportion of duplicated gene clusters for each node within the Amaryllidaceae phylogeny. Nine species within Amaryllidaceae were used in Tree2GD. A duplicated gene cluster in a clade, which retains two subclades, indicates a signal of WGD event (AABB duplication)76. For map_dups_mrca.py, gene trees of homologs inferred from 501 samples were mapped to the Asparagales species tree, and the proportion of duplicated genes was counted. We employed a criterion to propose a WGD event, requiring ≥200 AABB gene clusters (inferred from Tree2GD) and ≥20% of duplicated gene clusters inferred from map_dups_mrca.py for a given clade. Under this criterion, we identified a WGD event at the MRCA of Allium, consistent with Hao et al.20. 1029 AABB gene clusters were found to support the WGD at the MRCA of Allium. Subsequently, we checked whether the 13 genes in the CSOs biosynthesis pathway were included in these 1029 gene clusters by comparing if there were identical sequence names between gene clusters and trees of the 13 genes. Divergence time for alliinase and LFS were separately estimated using TreePL v.1.077 with ML trees and branch length estimated using RAxML. Five calibration points were used (Supplementary Data 2).
To investigate the gene expression level, RNA sequencing was conducted for 16 species with three replicates. Among the 16 species, nine are from Allium, and seven are from other lineages within Asparagales. In total, 48 transcriptomes were generated. De novo transcriptomes for each species were assembled using Trinity v.2.3.2. The expression level of each gene was measured with Transcript per million (TPM) by aligning RNA-seq reads to the transcriptome of each species using Salmon v.0.9.178. Then, the TPM for genes in those ortholog groups was extracted.
We examined the motifs of 13 genes within the CSOs biosynthesis pathway. We compiled a dataset consisting of 42 species (Supplementary Data 11), for which whole-genome sequencing data were available. Each gene in the pathway was individually utilized as a “bait” to search the dataset using SWIPE v.2.1.0 to identify homologs. Please refer to Supplementary Data 7 for details regarding the bait genes. Motifs were predicted using MEME v.5.5.579, and 15 motifs were allowed for each gene.
Furthermore, the active residues for the five genes in the downstream sub-pathway were examined. Specifically, the protein structures of PCS and GGT from Allium were predicted using AlphaFold2 online (https://colab.research.google.com/github/sokrypton/ColabFold/blob/main/AlphaFold2.ipynb). The protein structures of FMO, alliinase, and LFS from Allium were accessed from the RCSB PDB (https://www.rcsb.org/) with entry IDs 6WPU, 1LK9, and 5GTF, respectively. Then, the active amino acids for PCS, GGT, and FMO were predicted using AutoDockTools v.1.5.680 and gathered from previous research (Supplementary Data 13). The active amino acids of alliinase60 and LFS61 were also gathered. The protein structures of genes from non-Allium species were predicted using AlphaFold2 online. The 3D conformers of the substrates were obtained from PubChem and converted to PDB format. Subsequently, we compared the variation in active sites between Allium and non-Allium species. 3D molecular structures were visualized using PyMOL in AMDock81 and ligand-protein interactions were visualized using LigPlot+ v.2.2.882.
Reporting summary
Further information on research design is available in the Nature Portfolio Reporting Summary linked to this article.
Data availability
Raw sequence reads of the 244 samples generated in this study have been deposited in the NCBI Sequence Read Archive under BioProject nos. PRJNA1107703 and PRJNA1107706. Raw reads or annotations for other samples were accessed from the internet with accession nos. provided in Supplementary Data 1. The assembled transcriptomes for the samples sequenced in this study, CDSs and PEPs for all the 501 samples used in phylogenetic analyses, as well as those for the 16 samples used in gene expression level analyses, are available at Figshare: [https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.25516204]. Additionally, the sequences of orthologs, data matrices for phylogenetic analyses, divergence times, ancestral area reconstructions, and Source Data are also available at Figshare: [https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.25516204]. Specimens have been deposited at the Herbarium of Guangxi Botanical Garden of Medicinal Plants.
Code availability
Codes used in this study have been deposited at Figshare: [https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.25516204].
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We thank the Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden (CAS), Guiyang Medicinal Botanical Garden, and Shenyang Botanical Garden for assistance in plant collection; Can Dai (Hubei University) for discussion on this study; Michael L. Moody (University of Texas at El Paso) for discussion and providing plant photo; Xu Lu, Hui-Ying Wang (China Pharmaceutical University) and Xiang-Yang Leng (SCIEX, China) for technical assistance; Xiao-Wei Xin (Shandong Drug and Food Vocational College) for providing plant materials; Bing Liu (Institute of Botany, CAS), Zhong Zhang (Jinggangshan National Nature Reserve) and Ye-Chun Xu (Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences) for providing plant photos; Ya-Dong Zhou (Nanchang University) for assisting in data analyses and providing plant photos; Guo-Yong Xie (China Pharmaceutical University) for assisting in plant cultivation; Li Feng, Xing-Ze Li, Wen-Da Zhang, Wen-Fang Zheng, and Wen-Yu Du (China Pharmaceutical University) for assisting in data analyses; John A. Rhodes (University of Alaska Fairbanks) for explaining the results of MSCquartets; Ji Yang (Fudan University) and Tao Wan (Wuhan Botanical Garden) for suggestions on this manuscript. This work was supported by the Guangxi Innovation-Driven Development Project (no. GuiKe AA18242040 to K.-H.W.), the Construction of Southern Medicine Germplasm Resource Base for Guangdong Northern (20231206 to K.-H. W.), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (32370242 to L.-Y.C.), the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (2632024TD04 to L.-Y.C.), and the Sino-Africa Joint Research Center (SAJC202101 to Q.-F.W.).
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Q.-F.W., L.-Y.C., K.-H.W., and N.-H.T. designed the research. Q.-F.W., K.-H.W., Y.H., X.-M.W., G.-W.H., X.-X.W., and L.-Y.C. contributed to the taxon sampling and sequencing. X.-X.W., C.-H.H., D.F.M.-B., N.Z., P.-G.Z., X.-Y.H., and L.-Y.C. performed data analyses. X.-X.W. performed wet lab experiments. X.-X.W., X.-Y.W., D.F.M.-B., and L.-Y.C. prepared the figures and tables. L.-Y.C. drafted the manuscript. Q.-F.W., C.-H.H., D.F.M.-B., X.-X.W., and L.-Y.C. revised this manuscript. All the authors read this manuscript.
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Wang, XX., Huang, CH., Morales-Briones, D.F. et al. Phylotranscriptomics reveals the phylogeny of Asparagales and the evolution of allium flavor biosynthesis. Nat Commun 15, 9663 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-024-53943-6
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-024-53943-6