Key Points
Microorganisms are well-suited for experimental studies of evolution owing to their rapid generations and large populations, as well as the wealth of molecular and genomic data that are available for many species.
Genetic adaptation is especially rapid when microbial populations are introduced into new environments, although they may continue to improve indefinitely, even under a constant regime.
Genetic comparisons of ancestral and experimentally evolved microbes provide some striking examples of parallel molecular evolution in replicate populations, including examples of adaptive mutations in genes that encode important global regulators.
Genetic adaptation to one environment is often, although not always, associated with fitness loss in other environments, and antagonistic pleiotropy often seems to be responsible for these tradeoffs.
Asexual populations that are rapidly adapting to new or changing environments provide opportunities for hypermutable genotypes to hitchhike with the beneficial mutations that they may generate, although the emergence of mutators does not always greatly accelerate adaptive evolution.
Very small populations, including those that experience repeated bottlenecks, do not improve over time, but instead suffer genetic decay because the random processes of mutation and drift overwhelm the capacity of selection to retain well-adapted genotypes.
Microorganisms have been mutating and evolving on Earth for billions of years. Now, a field of research has developed around the idea of using microorganisms to study evolution in action. Controlled and replicated experiments are using viruses, bacteria and yeast to investigate how their genomes and phenotypic properties evolve over hundreds and even thousands of generations. Here, we examine the dynamics of evolutionary adaptation, the genetic bases of adaptation, tradeoffs and the environmental specificity of adaptation, the origin and evolutionary consequences of mutators, and the process of drift decay in very small populations.
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We thank the reviewers for comments, and N. Hajela for the photographs used in Box 2. S.F.E. is supported at present by the Spanish Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. R.E.L. is funded by the National Science Foundation and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
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The average reproductive success of a genotype in a particular environment. Often expressed relative to another genotype, such as the ancestor in evolution experiments.
The change in frequency of genotypes in a population that is caused by chance differences in survival and reproduction, as opposed to consistent differences in their fitness.
Two or more populations that started from the same ancestral genotype and were propagated under identical conditions as part of an evolution experiment. By having replicates in each of several environments, it is possible to distinguish statistically between systematic responses of the populations to a particular environmental feature (for example, temperature) and other responses that might reflect the chance effects of mutation and drift.
Genotypes that have been engineered to be identical, with the exception of one or more mutations of interest.
The process by which a neutral, or even deleterious, mutation increases in frequency owing to its physical linkage with a beneficial mutation elsewhere in the genome.
Any non-additive interaction between two or more mutations at different loci, such that their combined effect on a phenotype deviates from the sum of their individual effects.
A culture regime in which some proportion of a population is periodically diluted into fresh medium, in which the population grows until it exhausts the limiting resource and then waits until the next transfer cycle. Selection favours rapid exponential growth as well as the ability to respond quickly following transfer into fresh medium.
A device that allows the continuous growth of a bacterial population on a growth-rate-limiting resource. The resource flows into the chemostat at a constant rate; depleted medium and cells are washed out at the same rate. The population grows and consumes the resource until the bacteria reach an equilibrium density at which their growth rate equals the flow rate through the vessel.
A protein channel across the outer membrane of a Gram-negative bacterium that allows the diffusion of molecules into the periplasm, which is located between the outer and inner membranes.
The period in a serial-transfer regime after the limiting resource has been depleted, such that population growth ceases. A population can be kept in this phase indefinitely by never transferring it to fresh medium, and it eventually declines owing to starvation.
The side-effect of a mutation that affects a primary trait or function on a secondary trait or function.
A severe reduction in population size that causes the loss of genetic variation. The role of random drift is increased, whereas the power of selection is reduced, by bottlenecks.
A mutant that cannot synthesize a required nutrient, such as an amino acid.
The loss of fitness that is caused by producing offspring that carry deleterious mutations, and the resulting decrease in the rate of population growth.
The universe of all possible sequences or genotypes. For example, even a small viral genome of 1,000 nucleotides has 3,000 one-step neighbours, nearly 9,000,000 two-step neighbours, and more than 10600 variants at all possible distances of the same genome length.
A type of computer-based artificial life that can be used to investigate certain scientific questions. The genomes of digital organisms are computer programs and, like computer viruses, are able to self-replicate. Digital organisms can also mutate and evolve spontaneously, whereas computer viruses are deliberately modified by hackers.
A class of protein that binds to other proteins and thereby promotes their proper folding during synthesis or following damage.
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Elena, S., Lenski, R. Evolution experiments with microorganisms: the dynamics and genetic bases of adaptation. Nat Rev Genet 4, 457–469 (2003).
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