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It has been drawn to our attention that the methods described in the main text and the Supplementary Information of this Article have been considered by some researchers to be insufficient to enable them to identify enterotypes in their own data sets. Enterotypes were originally defined in this Article (page 177) as “densely populated areas in a multi-dimensional space of community composition” and should not be seen as discrete clusters, but as a way of stratifying samples to reduce complexity. Additionally, the Fig. 2 legend should not imply that between-class analysis is simply a method of visualizing principal component analysis (PCA); rather, it is a supervised rather than an unsupervised analysis of data because it incorporates the outcome of clustering of data. To simplify enterotype identification in the original and other data sets, we have developed a comprehensive tutorial at—which is a website on enterotypes that will be updated as methods improve. We thank Ivica Letunic and Paul Costea from EMBL for setting up the tutorial.