The retina has long been regarded as ‘an approachable part of the brain’ for investigating neurosensory processes. Cell biologists are now capitalizing on the accessibility of the retina to investigate important aspects of developmental angiogenesis, including how it relates to neuronal and glial development, morphogenesis, oxygen sensing and progenitor cells. Pathological angiogenesis also occurs in the retina and is a major feature of leading blinding diseases, particularly diabetic retinopathy. The retina and its clinical disorders have a pivotal role in angiogenesis research and provide model systems in which to investigate neurovascular relationships and angiogenic diseases.
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We thank the following for generously providing material for figures: T. Bennett (Fig. 2b, d), C. Betsholtz (Figs 4c, d, 5c), M. Friedlander (Fig. 6a), M. Fruttiger (Fig. 5d, e), F. Gage (Fig. 6b), F. Galimi (Fig. 6b), A. Otani (Fig. 6a), J. Provis (Fig. 2e) and T. Sandercoe (Fig. 2e). We acknowledge support from the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation and the American Diabetes Association (T.G.).
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Gariano, R., Gardner, T. Retinal angiogenesis in development and disease. Nature 438, 960–966 (2005). https://doi.org/10.1038/nature04482
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/nature04482