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Macroscale delivery systems for molecular and cellular payloads


Macroscale drug delivery (MDD) devices are engineered to exert spatiotemporal control over the presentation of a wide range of bioactive agents, including small molecules, proteins and cells. In contrast to systemically delivered drugs, MDD systems act as a depot of drug localized to the treatment site, which can increase drug effectiveness while reducing side effects and confer protection to labile drugs. In this Review, we highlight the key advantages of MDD systems, describe their mechanisms of spatiotemporal control and provide guidelines for the selection of carrier materials. We also discuss the combination of MDD technologies with classic medical devices to create multifunctional MDD devices that improve integration with host tissue, and the use of MDD technology in tissue-engineering strategies to direct cell behaviour. As our ever-expanding knowledge of human biology and disease provides new therapeutic targets that require precise control over their application, the importance of MDD devices in medicine is expected to increase.

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Figure 1: Enteral/parenteral administration compared with MDD.
Figure 2: Devices exemplifying the different release mechanisms.
Figure 3: Control exerted by drug-delivery devices can be mathematically modelled using the generalized mass-balance equation.
Figure 4: Externally triggered MDD systems control the instantaneous release rate in response to energy transmitted into the system.
Figure 5: Examples of multifunctional MDD materials.
Figure 6: Macroscale drug-delivery technologies play a central role in many tissue-engineering devices, as they deliver factors that direct cell behaviour in various strategies.

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Kearney, C., Mooney, D. Macroscale delivery systems for molecular and cellular payloads. Nature Mater 12, 1004–1017 (2013).

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