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Drug discovery with explainable artificial intelligence


Deep learning bears promise for drug discovery, including advanced image analysis, prediction of molecular structure and function, and automated generation of innovative chemical entities with bespoke properties. Despite the growing number of successful prospective applications, the underlying mathematical models often remain elusive to interpretation by the human mind. There is a demand for ‘explainable’ deep learning methods to address the need for a new narrative of the machine language of the molecular sciences. This Review summarizes the most prominent algorithmic concepts of explainable artificial intelligence, and forecasts future opportunities, potential applications as well as several remaining challenges. We also hope it encourages additional efforts towards the development and acceptance of explainable artificial intelligence techniques.

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Fig. 1: Feature attribution methods.
Fig. 2: Instance-based model interpretation.
Fig. 3: Graph-based model interpretation.
Fig. 4: Uncertainty estimation.

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We thank N. Weskamp and P. Schneider for helpful feedback on the manuscript. This work was financially supported by the ETH RETHINK initiative, the Swiss National Science Foundation (grant no. 205321_182176) and Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma GmbH & Co. KG.

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All authors contributed equally to this manuscript.

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Correspondence to Gisbert Schneider.

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G.S. declares a potential financial conflict of interest in his role as a co-founder of GmbH, Zurich, and consultant to the pharmaceutical industry.

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Jiménez-Luna, J., Grisoni, F. & Schneider, G. Drug discovery with explainable artificial intelligence. Nat Mach Intell 2, 573–584 (2020).

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