A NEW disease, called ‘turkey X disease’ has been described since the widespread outbreaks of deaths in turkey poults in 19601. Post-mortem examination of dead poults from field outbreaks revealed acute hepatic necrosis, associated with generalized bile duct proliferation. Siller and Ostler2 directed attention to the similarities of the lesions to those of Senecio-alkaloid poisoning in the fowl described by Campbell3.
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Blount, W. P., Turkeys, 9, 52 (1961).
Siller, W. G., and Ostler, D. C., Vet. Rec., 73, 134 (1961).
Campbell, J. G., Proc. Roy. Soc. Edin., 66, 111 (1955–57).
Allcroft, R., Carnaghan, R. B. A., Sargeant, K., and O'Kelly, J., Vet. Rec., 73, 428 (1961).
Carnaghan, R. B. A., and Sargeant, K., Vet. Rec., 73, 726 (1961). Sargeant, K., Allcroft, R., and Carnaghan, R. B. A., ibid., 73, 865 (1961).
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LANCASTER, M., JENKINS, F. & PHILP, J. Toxicity associated with Certain Samples of Groundnuts. Nature 192, 1095–1096 (1961). https://doi.org/10.1038/1921095a0
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/1921095a0