Motoneuron responses were elicited by global visual motion and stepwise displacements of an illuminated stripe. Stimulus protocols were identical to those used in previous behavioral studies of compensatory eyestalk reflexes. The firing rates and directional selectivity of the motoneuron responses were measured with respect to four stimulus dimensions (spatial frequency, contrast, angular displacement and velocity). The directional selectivity of the motoneuron response was correlated to the previously measured gain of the reflex for each stimulus dimension. The information theoretical analysis is based upon Kullback-Leibler (K-L) distances which measure the dissimilarity of responses to different stimuli. K-L distances for single neurons are strongly influenced by the mean rate difference of the responses to any pair of stimuli. Because of redundancy, the joint K-L distances of pairs of neurons were less than the sum of the K-L distances of the individual neurons. Furthermore, the joint K-L distances were only weakly influenced by correlations among coactivated neurons. For most of the stimulus dimensions, the K-L distances of single motoneurons were not sufficient to account for the stimulus discriminations exhibited by the eyestalk reflex which typically required the summed output of 2 to 5 motoneurons. Thus the behaviorally relevant information is encoded in the motoneuron ensemble. The minimum time required to discriminate the direction of motion (the encoding window) for a single motoneuron is about 380 to 480 ms (including a 175 ms response latency) for stepwise displacements and up to 1.0 s for global motion. During this period a motoneuron fires 2 to 3 impulses.
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Miller, C., Johnson, D., Schroeter, J. et al. Visual Responses of Crayfish Ocular Motoneurons: An Information Theoretical Analysis. J Comput Neurosci 15, 247–269 (2003). https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1025873027017
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1025873027017