In recent years, several studies have explored the potential of social media data in forecasting electoral outcomes and public opinion trends, with mixed results. This paper presents a novel approach to forecasting modeling, employing data from daily approval polls for 21 executives across Asia, Europe, North America, and Latin America, as well as social media data from their respective Twitter accounts. Machine learning models are trained using these data to predict future executive approval ratings. Through extensive testing of different models, the findings reveal that a combination of previous approval ratings and social media data yields superior performance in predicting future approval. Additionally, models using exclusively social media data exhibit slightly lower performance; however, it remains acceptable for political contexts where executives are highly active on these platforms. This study offers valuable insights into the effective use of social media data for executive approval forecasting, presenting a comparative analysis across diverse political contexts.
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The datasets generated and analyzed during the current study are available in the Figshare repository, https://figshare.com/s/963ba9bf9b79293da4a3
Note that this count only includes ratings obtained on days when the executive also tweeted.
The choice to present monthly averages rather than daily counts was made purely for visualization purposes, as the former provides a clearer depiction of the data.
The Cyclical model of public support suggests that executives experience a honeymoon period at the beginning of their mandates. This is followed by a decline and then boosts during electoral periods. Finally, they enter a lame-duck period after electoral contests, wherein they lose the opportunity for reelection.
An analysis including sentiment in four languages-English, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish-is presented in Appendix 2. The results suggest that classifying tweets from executives and then including sentiment variables in the models leads to improvements in only a few cases, yet these do not outperform the best models presented here.
For a better understanding of the data distribution of the main variables in the analysis, see histograms in Appendix 1.
This is hypothetical because it is unlikely that all the approval values will be as extreme as 16 and 84.
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Appendix 1: Data distribution of variables of interest
This appendix provides a glance at how data for the main variables in the analysis are distributed. As mentioned in the text, distribution is not a real issue for models using the Random Forest algorithm; however, these figures are helpful in understanding the form the data adopts (Figs. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13).
Appendix 2: Sensitivity analysis for models with sentiment
As mentioned above, social media sentiment analysis has been a recurrent method for forecasting elections or public opinion [20]. Sentiment analysis using social media data involves assigning a sentiment label to each post, tweet, or comment intended for forecasting. This study contends that incorporating sentiment information into the forecasting method proposed here would increase the complexity of the analysis, making it more challenging to apply in real-life situations. However, testing the impact of adding or letting out sentiment to the various models presented is important.
The most robust method to include sentiment in the models entails collecting data from users responding to executives, assigning a specific sentiment label to each response, and then assessing the prevalent sentiment toward the executive for a specific day or week. Assigning sentiment to social media texts is becoming easier due to the increasing availability of pre-trained models and packages that are often bilingual or multilingual sentiment classification, such as bert-base-multilingual-uncased-sentiment [26], mDeBERTa-EAD-Sentiment-bilingual [18], and pysentimiento [29]. However, collecting large data volumes, especially from Twitter, is becoming more challenging. Therefore, with the data at hand, obtaining responses for each executive is not feasible for this analysis.
While not as robust as collecting data in response to executives, analyzing the sentiment in the posts these actors publish might also help us gain additional information to forecast approval and disapproval. The underlying theory is that presidents and prime ministers may exhibit varying sentiments in their social media posts, influencing public perception and evaluation. To assess this impact, I have selected a sample of executives and classified the sentiment in their tweets during the period analyzed.
I evaluated the sentiment of tweets from 10 executives across four languages: English, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish, using the Python package pysentimiento for classification. After this sentiment classification, I re-ran all the models discussed in the main analysis and added new models incorporating three sentiment variables: positive count, negative count, and neutral count. These variables represent the daily tweet counts for each sentiment category.
The results of these additional analyses are displayed in Tables 8 and 9. For most cases, introducing sentiment variables led to reduced performance, as indicated by higher MAE and MAPE scores. The exceptions were models that used only approval data or only social media data for predicting approval with single-lagged social media variables. Specifically, as illustrated in Table 8, the model that forecasts approval using only approval data enhanced its MAE score from 0.618 to 0.572 and its MAPE score from 1.21 to 1.13% after the inclusion of sentiment variables. For the model relying exclusively on social media data, the MAE score improved from 1.404 to 1.390, and the MAPE score decreased from 2.68 to 2.67 after adding sentiment variables. In the double-lagged models, the only approval data model showed improved predictive ability with sentiment variables, reducing the MAE score from 0.603 to 0.552, as shown in Table 9. These findings indicate that incorporating the sentiment from leaders’ tweets does not generally enhance the predictive accuracy of most models.
Considering these results and the goal of developing a simple, general model to predict approval across various political contexts, incorporating the sentiment from executives’ tweets appears to be an unnecessary step. However, if technological advancements occur and accessibility of data collection becomes easier, integrating sentiment from responses to executives could significantly enhance forecasting accuracy in multilingual and cross-country models (Tables 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17).
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Cruces, J.S.G. Forecasting executive approval with social media data: opportunities, challenges and limitations. J Comput Soc Sc 7, 2029–2065 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s42001-024-00299-y
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s42001-024-00299-y