The logical method proposed by Goubault, Ledent, and Rajsbaum provides a means of demonstrating the unsolvability of distributed tasks within the epistemic logic framework. To show that a task is unsolvable, we need to find a logical obstruction, which is an epistemic logic formula describing the reason for the unsolvability, or more precisely, the incompatibility between the task, which is a model of what is to be solved, and the protocol, which is a model of what the distributed system can compute. To date, only a few concrete instances of logical obstructions have been devised. In particular, existing proposals of logical obstruction to the k-set agreement task are unsatisfactory because they work only for the case \(k=1\) or the protocol is restricted to single-round execution. This is because the unsolvability of the k-set agreement task is tied with the higher-dimensional property of the corresponding combinatorial topological model, while the language of epistemic logic has a limited ability to express it. This study proposes the use of an epistemic \(\mu \)-calculus variant, which extends epistemic logic with distributed knowledge modalities and propositional greatest fixpoints. With these extensions, we can define an epistemic formula whose epistemic content contradicts a property regarding the higher-dimensional connectivity, which is indicated in the proof of Sperner’s lemma. This formula thus works as a logical obstruction, showing that the k-set agreement task is unsolvable by the multiple-round immediate snapshot protocol. Further, we show that the same formula works as a logical obstruction for the k-concurrency, which is a protocol of a limited degree of concurrency.
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The author would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their careful reading of the manuscript and their comments that were helpful for improving the paper. The author is supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number 20K11678.
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Nishimura, S. Defining logical obstruction with fixpoints in epistemic logic. J Appl. and Comput. Topology 8, 941–970 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s41468-023-00151-8
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s41468-023-00151-8