Scrap yards have long been responsible for identifying and sorting specific alloys from large quantities of mixed metals by means of visual and cognitive recognition with the aid of a few standard tools (a magnet, file, acids, and/or grinding wheel). Performing visual inspection successfully requires extensive knowledge obtained through years of experience physically handling material. This level of expertise cannot reasonably be expected of all those in the operations process but, the right instrumentation in capable, well-trained hands could work to bridge the difference between an expert and a novice. Handheld analyzers (HHs) that utilize X-ray fluorescence (XRF) and laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) technology offer a level of technological assistance that could improve identification during the inspection process. Although the technology harnessed by these instruments is not new, the accessibility of it is- which has allowed the functionality, performance, and purpose of these HHs to expand. Subsequently, the attractiveness of these instruments goes beyond being able to obtain results similar to laboratory analysis. HHs are in-field ready, and the ergonomics, safety settings, read times, data sharing and accessibility are continually improving. Additionally, the costs of HHs are shrinking; this coupled with the opportunity to improve profit and avoid loss through reducing incorrect identification produces the more immediate return on investment (ROI) that yards require. Currently, we have a good indication of how HHs perform on material that has clean, smooth, uncoated surfaces but, what we aim to find is their response when used on “unprepared materials,” like those coming out of stock that are old, used, weathered, and/or warped. For these instruments to be deemed useful for inbound inspection/ identification purposes, it is crucial to understand and evaluate their limitations on scrap that is not altered and thus, true to a yard setting. Our results indicate that in their current state, HHs can inform and verify content for a significant range of materials, but there are still metal types and conditions that exist that lead to unreliable reporting of compositional percentages.
Graphical Abstract
taken from the wrought obsolete aluminum (WOA) samples; grey boxes indicate standard deviation, the “x” highlights where the average of the data sits, and COV calculated for the data is indicated below the graph. These results highlight the range and similarity of reproducible readings by both XRF and LIBS HH analyzers. Sample WOA1 demonstrates how extremely nonhomogeneous surfaces and products with compounded metals (Al/Cu radiators have an aluminum shell with copper tubing running through) cause a lot of noise and uncertainty in reading results. WOA8 is a 6063-extrusion but one that most likely came out of a shred pile and thus, proves to be more problematic for the XRF instrument than the LIBS due to the LIBS’ “cleaning shots” function. WOA10, although appearing as if it has gone through a shredder (refer to images in Fig. 5), has maintained a surface with a smooth, relatively clean exterior, allowing very high and similar reproducibility for both instruments
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We would like to acknowledge and thank Gerdau Ameristeel for funding that supported this work and contributions from Dr. Elsa Olivetti, Dr. Randolph Kirchain, Dr. Jiyoun Chang, Adam Gesing, Teija Mortvedt, and Felipe Freire. The authors would also like to thank and express gratitude toward MetalX and the Golisano Institute for Sustainability at Rochester Institute of Technology for all their help and support. We would like to extend additional thanks and gratitude to SciAps Inc., Rigaku Corp., Olympus Corp., TSI Inc., and Thermo ScientificTM for providing us with the loaner handheld analyzers that made this research possible and their continuous efforts to create and design unique in-field ready XRF and LIBS instrumentation.
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Brooks, L., Gaustad, G. The Potential for XRF & LIBS Handheld Analyzers to Perform Material Characterization in Scrap Yards. J. Sustain. Metall. 7, 732–754 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40831-021-00361-3
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s40831-021-00361-3