Nowadays, the high competitiveness of a company depends on its ability to deal quickly and cost-effectively with the market disruptions. For this reason, companies should have an agile and flexible supply chains to solve problems related to the market fluctuation. In fact, supply chain reconfigurability is the ability to modify their capacity and functionality at the lowest cost. The objective of this article is to assess reconfigurability based on its characteristics (modularity, scalability, integrability, convertibility, diagnosability and customization) using Fuzzy logic. For this purpose, a quantitative evaluation of reconfigurability is proposed. In order to validate our assessment model, a case study is applied to evaluate the degree of reconfigurability after supply chain reconfiguration.
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Zidi, S., Hamani, N., Samir, B. et al. Use of Fuzzy Logic for Reconfigurability Assessment in Supply Chain. Int. J. Fuzzy Syst. 24, 1025–1045 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40815-021-01187-7
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s40815-021-01187-7