Character recognition is one of the most successful applications of artificial neural network methods. However, most of the work has been dedicated to the recognition of Latin handwritten characters, and only few studies have been devoted to the recognition of Arabic handwritten characters. This paper presents an off-line recognition system for Arabic handwritten characters. In this context, we use 66 statistical, structural, and regional characteristics extracted using five methods. These characteristics are treated by a feed-forward neural network with a hidden layer. To this end, we use our database for Arabic handwritten characters and ligatures (DBAHCL) in the learning, test and validation phases. The accuracy generated by our system is about 98.27%.
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Lamghari, N., Charaf, M.E.H. & Raghay, S. Hybrid Feature Vector for the Recognition of Arabic Handwritten Characters Using Feed-Forward Neural Network. Arab J Sci Eng 43, 7031–7039 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13369-017-2969-1
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s13369-017-2969-1