In this paper, we compare the Brazilian Computer Science Graduate Programs of levels 6 and 7 (which CAPES assume to be equivalent to good international ones) and those departments best ranked in three different international rankings. We used both bibliometric and social networks analysis metrics, and we could see that there is a great difference between the results achieved by the national and international programs. The results from a principal component analysis show that the Brazilian programs are a class of their own and do not share the characteristics of the best international departments. We also analyzed the CAPES grade system and show that it is consistent, even if based on different metrics than those used internationally. It is safe to conclude that there is a “Brazilian Science” that is different from the worldwide accepted one and that derives, in a certain way, from an observer effect. We discuss the observer effect in Science and how scientific output could actually be measured.
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Linden, R., Barbosa, L.F. & Digiampietri, L.A. “Brazilian style science”—an analysis of the difference between Brazilian and international Computer Science departments and graduate programs using social networks analysis and bibliometrics. Soc. Netw. Anal. Min. 7, 44 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13278-017-0463-0
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s13278-017-0463-0