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People Interpret Robotic Non-linguistic Utterances Categorically

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International Journal of Social Robotics Aims and scope Submit manuscript


We present results of an experiment probing whether adults exhibit categorical perception when affectively rating robot-like sounds (Non-linguistic Utterances). The experimental design followed the traditional methodology from the psychology domain for measuring categorical perception: stimulus continua for robot sounds were presented to subjects, who were asked to complete a discrimination and an identification task. In the former subjects were asked to rate whether stimulus pairs were affectively different, while in the latter they were asked to rate single stimuli affectively. The experiment confirms that Non-linguistic Utterances can convey affect and that they are drawn towards prototypical emotions, confirming that people show categorical perception at a level of inferred affective meaning when hearing robot-like sounds. We speculate on how these insights can be used to automatically design and generate affect-laden robot-like utterances.

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Fig. 1
Fig. 2
Fig. 3
Fig. 4
Fig. 5
Fig. 6
Fig. 7
Fig. 8
Fig. 9
Fig. 10

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  1. Hackett [28] proposes in total 13 properties that are universal to language, however the remaining properties (the vocal-auditory channel, broadcast transmission and directional reception, rapid fading, specialisation and total feedback were the listener can reproduce what they hear) relate specifically language through vocal/acoustic expression, and in the light of artificial languages such as sign language or programming languages, their value with respect to the broader concept of language is deemed as limited.

  2. We argue that NLUs do not contain linguistic semantic content. They do however contain semantic content in the same way that the audible sounds made by computers, smart-phones, etc, contain semantic content.

  3. Given the close resemblance between Gibberish Speech and Natural Language, it may be argued that Gibberish Speech could be perceived as a foreign language rather than meaningless nonsense to the naive observer.

  4. Such settings tend to be in dynamic and unpredictable real world environments that are far from the protected and controlled, “safe” laboratory environments.

  5. To listen to the utterances, please refer to the Online Resources. Resources 1–6 are the utterances in Set 1, and resources 7–12 are for Set 2.

  6. Python and Java source code for the AffectButton can be downloaded at

  7. Broekens et al. [9] provide a detailed description of the AffectButton functionality and so this will not be described here.

  8. The basic emotion theory as proposed by Ekman and Friesen [19] states that there are certain facial behaviours which are universally associated with particular emotions, namely anger, happiness, sadness, surprise, fear and disgust.

  9. By “minimal situational context” we refer to the fact that the robot did not engage in vocal interaction, nor did the robot and subject engage in a complex interaction (e.g. a game of chess). Subjects were simply asked to rate sounds made by the robot, with the knowledge that the sounds were pre-recorded, and touching the robot on the head would play the next sound. In this scenario, there are no other cues that subjects can turn to in order to aid in the interpretation of the sounds.


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This work was (partially) funded by the EU FP7 ALIZ-E project (Grant 248116).

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Read, R., Belpaeme, T. People Interpret Robotic Non-linguistic Utterances Categorically. Int J of Soc Robotics 8, 31–50 (2016).

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