Image composition has important research significance and application value in image aesthetics and daily life. However, it faces problems, such as complex network structures, numerous parameters, round-trip delays, and difficult deployment. Consequently, we designed an image composition guidance system (ICGS) on mobile devices to help users capture photos with more aesthetic value through image composition. The first step was to build a lightweight object-detection model. Compressing the model by optimizing the structure and parameters reduces the size of the network model, and solves the difficult deployment problem. Second, we customized the mobile camera application development and deployed a deep learning model for this application. By reading the lighting model, we realized automatic composition guidance (ACG). Simultaneously, for scenes without objects to be detected, we designed a manual composition guidance (MCG) based on the target tracking algorithm to lock any area for composition. Furthermore, the experimental results show that the aesthetic scores of the guided photos improve, which is more in line with public aesthetics. In addition, the application’s real-time performance, stability, and response time have also reached high standards.
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This study was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grants 62072159, U1804164, 61902112, in part by the Science and Technology Foundation Project of Henan Province under Grant 222102210011 and in part by the Science and Technology Foundation of Henan Educational Committee under Grants 19A510015, 20A520019 and 20A520020.
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Yuan, P., Han, Z. & Zhao, X. Integrating the edge intelligence technology into image composition: A case study. Peer-to-Peer Netw. Appl. 16, 1641–1651 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12083-023-01480-2
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12083-023-01480-2