Diversity is a key issue to consider when designing evolutionary approaches for difficult optimization problems. In this paper, we address the development of an effective hybrid algorithm for cluster geometry optimization. The proposed approach combines a steady-state evolutionary algorithm and a straightforward local method that uses derivative information to guide search into the nearest local optimum. The optimization method incorporates a mechanism to ensure that the diversity of the population does not drop below a pre-specified threshold. Three alternative distance measures to estimate the dissimilarity between solutions are evaluated. Results show that diversity is crucial to increase the effectiveness of the hybrid evolutionary algorithm, as it enables it to discover all putative global optima for Morse clusters up to 80 atoms. A comprehensive analysis is presented to gain insight about the most important strengths and weaknesses of the proposed approach. The study shows why distance measures that consider structural information for estimating the dissimilarity between solutions are more suited to this problem than those that take into account fitness values. A detailed explanation for this differentiation is provided.
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We are grateful to the John von Neumann Institut für Computing, Jülich, for the provision of supercomputer time on the IBM Regatta p690+ (Project EPG01).
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Appendix: Additional optimization results
Appendix: Additional optimization results
The analysis performed in Sects. 3 and 4 was based on the success rate, as this is the most widely used performance measure to access the efficacy of algorithms when applied to cluster geometry optimization problems. Anyway, and for the sake of completeness, we provide the mean best fitness (MBF) values of all optimization experiments previously described.
The MBF values presented in Table 4 were obtained by EA−Fit, EA−Str, EA−CM, EA−NoDiv and SA−EA in the initial optimization experiments of Morse clusters between 41 and 80 atoms. The application of the Friedman statistical test establishes the same ranking described in Sect. 3: EA−Str, EA−CM and SA−EA outperform both EA−Fit and EA−NoDiv. Between the three most successful variants there are no significant differences.
Table 5 shows the MBF obtained by EA−Fit, EA−Str and EA−CM on the extended runs. Entries in bold highlight a situation where the MFB is significantly better than that of the corresponding experiment that was allowed to run only for 5,000,000 evaluations (analysis performed with the non-parametric Mann-Whitney test).
Finally, Table 6 displays the MBF obtained by the three EA variants with diversity on the optimization of the Morse cluster with 61 atoms using different values for ξ. No significant differences arise on the MBF of the same EA variant when using different values for the ξ parameter (analysis performed with the non-parametric Kruskal–Wallis test).
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Pereira, F.B., Marques, J.M.C. A study on diversity for cluster geometry optimization. Evol. Intel. 2, 121–140 (2009). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12065-009-0020-5
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12065-009-0020-5