Rate-controlling mechanisms in the photo-degradation of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) were studied applying kinetic and thermodynamic compensations. Aqueous solutions of HMF were prepared at a concentration of 100 mg L−1 and at pH values of 3, 3.4, 4, and 5. The UV irradiation of samples was performed in an installation consisting of a black chamber containing the reactor and a mid-pressure mercury lamp with emission wavelengths between 250 and 740 nm. Every sample was irradiated at 12, 25, 35, and 45 °C for 120 min, analyzing their HMF content each 10 min. The photo-degradation data fitted well to zero-order kinetic model, and the constant values were used to study whether the kinetic and thermodynamic compensation could be applied. The isokinetic temperature was very similar for kinetic compensation (TB = 278.0 K) and thermodynamic compensation (TB = 277.8 K). Applying the Leffler’s criterion, the HMF photo-degradation was entropically controlled, probably as a consequence of hydrophobic interactions. In order to check the entropical control, two experiments were repeated at pH 3 but avoiding agitation. As the new obtained kinetic constants were highly different from the values previously obtained using agitation, it can be concluded that the HMF photo-degradation is an entropy-controlled process and can be speeded up by changing non-thermal parameters, like agitation.
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- C HMF :
HMF concentration (mg L−1)
- C HMF 0 :
Initial HMF concentration (mg L−1)
- E a :
Activation energy (J mol−1)
- ∆G B :
Change in Gibbs free energy at the isoequilibrium point (J mol−1)
- ∆H :
Change in enthalpy (J mol−1)
- h :
Planck’s constant (J s)
- HMF:
HMF molecule
- K B :
Boltzmann’s constant (J K−1)
- k eq :
Equilibrium kinetic constant (mol L−1 s−1)
- K 0 :
Frequency factor (mol L−1 s−1)
- k HMF :
Zero-order kinetic constant on the relation between C HMF and time (mol L−1 s−1)
- N:
Total number of treatments
- R:
Universal gas constant (J mol−1 K−1)
- ∆S :
Change in entropy (J mol−1 K−1)
- T :
Absolute temperature (K)
- T B :
Isokinetic temperature (K)
- T hm :
Harmonic mean temperature (K)
- t:
Time (s)
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The authors kindly thank the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación of the Spanish Government for the funding received in the project CTQ2011-26569. Ebner Azuara thanks CONACYT-México for his sabbatical grant (project 203997). Karla Aguilar thanks CONACYT-México for the doctoral fellowship received.
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Aguilar, K., Garvín, A., Azuara, E. et al. Rate-Controlling Mechanisms in the Photo-degradation of 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural. Food Bioprocess Technol 9, 1399–1407 (2016). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11947-016-1729-7
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11947-016-1729-7