Compositions (ordered partitions) of n are finite sequences of positive integers that sum to n. We represent a composition of n as a bargraph with area n such that the height of the i-th column of the bargraph equals the size of the i-th part of the composition. We consider the concept of protected cells and protected columns in the bargraph representation of the composition. An r-protected cell is a cell in which the shortest path to the outside has at least \(r+1\) steps (up, down, left or right). We obtain the average number of r-protected cells and protected columns. Finally we study the total protection number of a composition and compute the mean of this quantity over all compositions of n. We define the total protection number of a composition \(\pi \) to be the sum of the protection numbers of each individual cell in that composition.
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Archibald, M., Blecher, A., Brennan, C. et al. Protected Cells in Compositions. Math.Comput.Sci. 16, 1 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11786-021-00519-y
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11786-021-00519-y