This paper is concerned with the design, optimization, and motion control of a radiocontrolled, multi-link, free-swimming biomimetic robotic fish based on an optimized kinematic and dynamic model of fish swimming. The performance of the robotic fish is determined by both the fish’s morphological characteristics and kinematic parameters. By applying ichthyologic theories of propulsion, a design framework that takes into consideration both mechatronic constraints in physical realization and feasibility of control methods is presented, under which a multiple linked robotic fish that integrates both the carangiform and anguilliform swimming modes can be easily developed. Taking account of both theoretic hydrodynamic issues and practical problems in engineering realization, the optimal link-lengthratios are numerically calculated by an improved constrained cyclic variable method, which are successfully applied to a series of real robotic fishes. The rhythmic movements of swimming are driven by a central pattern generator (CPG) based on nonlinear oscillations, and up-and-down motion by regulation the rotating angle of pectoral fins. The experimental results verify that the presented scheme and method are effective in design and implementation.
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Supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 60505015, 60775053 and 60635010), “863” Program (Grant No. 2007AA04Z202)
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Yu, J., Wang, L., Zhao, W. et al. Optimal design and motion control of biomimetic robotic fish. Sci. China Ser. F-Inf. Sci. 51, 535–549 (2008). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11432-008-0023-3
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11432-008-0023-3