The aim of this paper is to investigate the impact of selected data augmentation techniques on the learning performance of neural networks for dynamic signature verification. The paper investigates selected data augmentation techniques in deep learning for verification purpose of dynamic signature. Two neural networks were used as classifiers: MLP and LSTM-FCN. Investigation of five selected augmentation methods and experiments were performed on the open source signature database SVC2004. The authors tested both classifiers without augmentation and then with data augmentation for three extensions of the learning set and three sizes of the user database. They presented the results of the experiments in tabular form for each augmentation method. The results were compared with the existing dynamic signature verification methods and given in the paper.
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1 Introduction
Signature is a commonly used behavioral biometric feature to verify a person's identity. Depending on the signature type, the data can be represented as a time series or an image. A distinction is made between a handwritten signature and a machine written signature. Handwriting system verification can be categorized in two different types: online and offline. Offline signature is represented by digitalized images mostly taken from a document where the signature is present and processed by the system. To obtain the online signature data system must use special hardware for example digitalized tablet or pen [1].
An advantage of the signature verification over other verification systems based on biometric traits is that the signature data can be enrolment when the user is conscious and desires to write, in the other hand systems based on face, for example, can be enrolment without human awareness [2].
Manual verification of identity in the case of dynamic and handwritten signatures is very difficult due to the ease of forging the original signature and the requirement of expertise. In order to facilitate the signature verification process, automatic signature verification approaches were proposed. These systems are mainly focused on biometric solutions and artificial intelligence. Neural networks can be used for signature identification or verification purposes.
In this article, the authors present a methodology for signature verification. The authors develop an automated signature verification application using previously created modules to load data from the database, preprocess the data, extract the signature characteristics, divide the input data into learning, validation and test sets, and select the appropriate classifier and estimation of the results. The neural network learning process needs a lot of data. The authors decided to use augmentation methods based on [3,4,5,6] for online signature data and then compare results with the other online signature verification systems. The authors create new augmentation methods modified from the existing ones. The authors modify noise addition and interpolation methods.
The paper contains a few sections: in the next chapter the authors describe other approaches and algorithms for online signature verification. Second section shows the neural networks and augmentation methods are presented. In this one, the authors presented the architecture of chosen neural networks and five selected augmentation methods. The penultimate chapter provides information on the experiments performed, in particular the different augmentation methods, performance results and the comparison with other different approaches. Last chapter contains the conclusions, information about used hardware in the learning process and future work.
2 State of the art
The most popular algorithms for signature verification systems are hidden Markov models [7], dynamic time warping [8] or neural networks [9]. DTW method gave the best results in determining whether a signature is genuine or forged. DTW approach is the top method which is using in any competition for signature verification [8, 10, 11].
The main problem with signature verification is associated with the intra-class variability of the signature. The signature enrolment relies on practiced and repetitive motion, which causes short-term signature as input. The signature trait can evolve so signature data can lose important properties for verification purposes [12].
Christian Gruber, Sebastian Krinninger, and Thiemo Gruber created a new method for online signature verification based on SVM using LCSS kernel [13]. Using the LCSS kernel function their system determines the resemblances within two time series. The results are even better than results in systems based on DTW [14].
Dynamic time warping is more effective when resolving problems with a small amount of data. HMM model and its derivation with Gaussian model (GMM) can be considered as a soft variant of DTW. In some cases when enough signature data is available it can outperform the DTW approach [15, 16].
Suresh Sundaram and Abhishek Sharma created a new model approach using DTW and GMM [17]. First of all, the authors extract statistical properties for a given signature. Then, the extracted data is warped and analyzed. Finally, the author's fusion DTW score and warped data for better verification results [18, 19].
Lianwen Jin, Weixin Yang and Songxuan Lai proposed to create a recurrent neural network in sequential modeling. RNN system improved the performance of dynamic signature verification. The authors proposed a novel descriptor LNPS (length-normalized path signature) and use it due signature verification problem [20].
Zapata Gabriel posed the problem of small databases within the signature verification systems. The author also states for signatures per user limitation. Gabriel does nine classification methods based on GMM and evaluates them. The author tests it using three experiments and a small database. In conclusion of performed experiments, the author says that the method's performance degraded faster when training sets include less than half of the samples [21].
3 Proposed methodology
The authors decide to present used database, neural networks architecture and used augmentation algorithms. Proposed approach is presented as block diagram in Fig. 1. The highlighted one is the block with data augmentation step.
3.1 Database
The authors used the SVC 2004 dynamic signature database [22]. Each genuine or forged signature is stored in a text file. The filename has the following format "UXSY.txt", where (1) stands for the signing user and (2) stands for one signature of user X.
The first twenty signatures are genuine, while the next twenty signatures are signatures identified as qualified forgeries provided by other users. The SVC 2004 database contains 40 users with 40 signatures each. In summary, the entire SVC 2004 database contains 1600 signatures.
Every single file contains presented properties:
X coordinate—position along the X-axis
Y coordinate—position along the Y-axis
Pressure—corrected pressure condition
Interval—sample measurement
Pen state—state when pen is pressed to table
Azimuth angle—horizontal angle
Elevation angle—vertical angle
3.2 Data augmentation
Before data preprocessing the authors system extend input data with augmentation methods. The authors choose five augmentation methods based on the state of the art and each method is invoked with × 0, × 10, × 20, × 40 times for each signature:
Interpolation [23] with the authors modifications
Noise addition [24] to time series with the authors modifications
Signal scaling [3]
Signal rotation [3]
- 5.
The authors describe the modified augmentation methods due to limited pages in the paper.
For the interpolation method the authors use sinc interpolation. The sinc interpolation method is computationally complex due to the large number of calculations, as a separate sinc function must be considered for each sample in signal (3).
The authors system takes a vector of interpolation points and duplicates it by rows as many times as there are samples in the array. Next, it takes a column vector of sample indices in the array and duplicates it by columns as many times as there are interpolated points. The two matrices are subtracted from each other, which corresponds to shifting the sinc function. Next, it performs a matrix multiplication of the vector of sample values in the array by the sinc values for the previously computed matrix, this operation corresponds to scaling the sinc function by the sample values and the sum of all sinc functions (3).
For the noise addition augmentation method, the authors use Gaussian noise (4) and the SNR relation.
Extending the data just by adding noise to the signal can distort the features, so the authors combine it with other algorithms. In this method, a low-pass filter was applied before adding noise to the dynamic signature data, and after adding noise combined with the filter, the data was averaged using the Locally Weighted Scatterplot Smoothing (LOWESS) algorithm [25].
The remaining algorithms have no changes at all, so the details can be seen in [3, 25].
3.3 Data preprocessing
Data processing layer consists of normalization step and sends the information to the feature extraction layer. For the normalization purpose the authors used given formula (5).
where \(x_{{{\text{norm}}}}\)—normalized sample, \(x\)—input sample, \(x_{\min }\)—minimum value in the signature signal, \(X_{{{\text{len}}}}\)—length of the signature signal.
3.4 Feature extraction
Given signatures from the database enables the creation of new feature metrics such as signature duration, pen lead velocity and acceleration, coordinates of discrete points drawn from the signature line, or means and standard deviations of individual signal components. All used features in this paper are presented below.
Coordinate x (from db)
Coordinate y (from db)
Pressure pr (from db)
Velocity \({\text{vel}} = \sqrt {v_{x}^{2} \left( t \right) + v_{y}^{2} \left( t \right)}\)
Azimuth angle γ = \({\text{arctan}}\left( {\frac{{v_{yi} }}{{v_{xi} }}} \right)\)
Speed magnitude \({\text{tam}} = \sqrt {v_{{{\text{vel}}}}^{2} + \left( {{\text{vel}}^{2} *v_{\alpha }^{2} } \right)}\)
Velocity changing \(\log cr = \log \frac{{\left| {{\text{vel}}} \right|}}{{\left| {v_{\alpha }^{2} } \right|}}\)
The authors remove some features given from SVC 2004 database and recalculate the data and extract new characteristics. After feature extraction the next layer is the splitting layer.
3.5 Split training set
In the first step in this layer the authors create two folders with sets of training and test data signatures. Created three datasets each with five, ten, and thirty-five users, respectively. Each user in the training dataset had fifteen true signatures and fifteen advanced forgeries, while the test dataset had ten signatures per user with half of them being genuine, also added the signatures of other users not in the learning dataset.
The authors conducted experiments on three sets of input data; the names adopted, respectively, for each set are small (5 users), medium (10 users) and large (35 users). The comparison of the sets is shown in Table 1, where (TR) stands for training data and (TEST) stands for test data. The number of signatures of other users indicates simple forgery, in this case, it does not distinguish whether the signature is genuine or forged because it will be verified as a forged signature in the system.
The sum of all signatures in the training set was calculated by formula (6), while the sum of all signatures in the test set is defined by formula (7).
where \(P_{{{\text{TR}}f}}\) stands for the number of forged signatures for training set or test set, respectively, in case of \(P_{{{\text{TEST}}f}}\) while \(P_{{{\text{TEST}}t}}\) stands for the number of genuine signatures for test set, the same for the training set is expressed by \( P_{{{\text{TR}}t}}\), where X is the total amount of users in the database and Y is the amount of signatures of the other users. After preparing the training test the system launched a learning process.
3.6 Neural network architecture
The authors created two neural networks based on [26] presented in Figs. 2 and 3. Selected LSTM-FCN architecture [26] consists of two networks FCN (Fully Convolutional Networks) and LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory). LSTM is a variation of the RNN. In the proposed model, FCN is augmented with an LSTM block and then a dropout layer, as shown in Fig. 2. FCNs are neural networks which contains only convolutional layers and in addition the batch normalization, dropout, or max-pooling layers.
The authors created a multilayer perceptron neural network based on [26] and implemented it in the system consisting of Dense and Dropout layers, where the output is the Dense layer with the same amount of neurons as all the classes.
The output layer is activated by the softmax function, while the other layers are activated by the ReLU function.
In the neural networks shown above the input layer is a tensor where LEN is the number of signatures, TS is the number of samples taken over time for one signature, and CH is the number of features taken for a given sample. The output layer consists of N + 1 neurons, where N stands for the number of classes (users), while N + 1 stands for the number of classes (users) + forgery class.
4 Experiments
The authors have done around one thousand experiments combining all augmentation methods. They decide to estimate the results with AER metric (8) consisting of FRR (9) and FAR (10) metrics.
FAR and FRR metrics include:
FA (Falsely Accepted)—the number of forged examples accepted as genuine
TR (Truly Rejected)—the number of forged examples rejected as false
FR (Falsely Rejected)—the number of genuine examples accepted as forged
TA (Truly Accepted)—the number of genuine examples accepted as genuine
The authors pick the best results for each data augmentation method for all created sets (small, medium, large). The signature augmentation was performed additionally for 0 ×, 10 ×, 20 ×, 40 × for each signature.
For the best visibility the authors decide to not show all results. All brackets in cells stand for a count of augmentation each signature for the best results.
All results are shown in Tables 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 for each standalone augmentation. Table 8 shows overview for the best results for each augmentation method. The best result for data augmentation in this case is reached by noise addition method it is equal AER = 6.2.
In the last experiment the authors combine the best augmentation methods. The results are shown in Table 9. The references for used methods:
Interpolation (1)
Noise addition (2)
Scaling (3)
Rotation (4)
Time warping (5)
The best results for signature verification used augmentation methods obtained with LSTM-FCN neural network with combined interpolation, noise addition and signal scaling methods it is equal to AER = 2.90. The authors mention that for × 40 multiplication for each signature (1) + (2) + (3) sum of all signatures it is equal to 127 050 from 1050 for large training set.
The result of proposed methodology in comparison with other methods for Task 2 SVC2004 is shown in Table 10.
5 Conclusions
The methodology presented in this paper was implemented with Python 3.8. The experiments were done on Intel Core i9-7960X, GeForce 3080 SUPER and 64 GB DDR4 RAM. They were tested more than 900 times. In this paper the experiment is based on database from “The First International Signature Verification Competition SVC 2004” [22], in the future the authors planned to do the next experiment with database from the newest competition for signature verification is called “SVC-onGoing: Signature verification competition” [35].
Proposed methodology and the authors’ experiments proved that right chosen augmentation techniques can increase the accuracy of signature verification systems. The differences between the best result with and without augmentation are ~ 9.4 and hence, using the augmentation methods we can decrease the errors of the signature verification systems by four times. Two of the five augmentation methods modified by authors have the best results compared to other augmentation methods used in this paper. Noise addition with modification have AER = 6.2 and the Interpolation method have AER = 7.2 [34, 35].
Data availability
The dataset analyzed during the current study are available from the following public domain resource: https://cse.hkust.edu.hk/svc2004/Task2.zip and belongs to SVC 2004 [22]. Data is available to the research community.
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This work was supported by grant WZ/WI-IIT/4/2020 from Bialystok University of Technology and funded with resources for research by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education in Poland.
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Najda, D., Saeed, K. Impact of augmentation methods in online signature verification. Innovations Syst Softw Eng 20, 477–483 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11334-022-00464-4
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11334-022-00464-4