Content management system (CMS) is an infrastructure for efficient distribution, organization, and delivery of digital content. It is desirable that the content must be successfully delivered regardless of the end users location or attachment network. For the end to end delivery of content, a virtual open content delivery infrastructure is formed by interconnecting several CDNs. In this paper, we focus on content delivery network interconnection. An efficient and suitable to implement hierarchical CDNI architecture, named as HCDNI, is proposed to reduce the limitations of CDNIs. Next, a content distribution and redistribution scheme is proposed so that the searching time and the round trip time for the content delivery can be minimized. Next, we find a reliable and fault tolerant scheme for web server replica placement and content caching. Finally, analysis and simulation studies show that proposed algorithm results in a significant improvement in terms of data routing, path selection, content distribution and redistribution, load balancing and network scalability.
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Sarma, S.S., Setua, S.K. Uniform load sharing on a hierarchical content delivery network interconnection model. Innovations Syst Softw Eng 12, 239–248 (2016). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11334-016-0279-5
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11334-016-0279-5