1 Introduction

Centrality computation serves as a fundamental operation in a range of applications within road networks, including traffic monitoring and prediction [1], network maintenance and assessment [2]. Compared to various metrics of centrality evaluation, coverage centrality of a vertex s (denoted as CC(s)) [3,4,5] has a particularly high correlation with s’s transportation ability and surrounding traffic condition. This is because CC is defined based on the shortest paths in a road network.

A road network is an undirected weighted graph G(VEW) with the vertex set V (i.e., road intersections), the edge set \(E \subseteq V \times V \) (i.e., road segments), and cost function \(W: E \rightarrow \textbf{R}^{+}\) that assigns a non-negative travel cost to each edge \((u, v) \in E\). We denote \(n = \vert V\vert \), \(m = \vert E\vert \), and N(v) for the neighbors of \(v\in G\). A path \(p=\langle v_1, ..., v_k\rangle \) is a sequence of vertices where \((v_i, v_{i+1}) \in E\), \(v_i\in V\). The length of a path p is defined as \(l(p) = \sum _{i=1}^{k-1} w(v_i, v_{i+1})\). Let \(p_{s,t}\) denote any path between a vertex pair (st). The shortest path \(\hat{p}_{s,t}\) is a path among all \(p_{s,t}\) with the minimum length. Coverage centrality (CC) of one vertex is defined as the number of vertex pairs that have at least one shortest path passes it (as shown in (1)).

$$\begin{aligned} CC(v)= \sum _{s, t \in V, s \ne t \ne v} \delta _{s,t}(v) \end{aligned}$$

where \(\delta _{s,t}(v)\) is equal to 1 if at least one shortest path between s and t passing through v, otherwise 0.

In the context of the road network G, the travel cost associated with each edge can be interpreted as the dynamic travel time required to traverse that edge. In this scenario, a high value of CC(s) indicates the importance of vertex s in terms of transportation within the graph G. In other words, the blockage of s can have a profound impact on the overall travel costs within G. Moreover, an increase in CC(s) suggests an improvement in travel time when passing through vertex s, and vice versa. By closely monitoring CC(s), we can obtain valuable insights into the traffic conditions related to vertex s, allowing us to implement more precise traffic management strategies. Therefore, its quick measurement is essential, especially for those urgent situations.

Existing solutions

CC has been extensively studied, mainly including two branches of methods. One branch orders CC roughly in proportion with the vertex degree [6] in a hypergraph, which is constructed by the sampled vertices in the original graph. But it does not calculate the centrality directly, so it is out of this paper’s consideration. Another branch focuses on Betweenness Centrality (BC). The definition of BC is quite similar to that of CC except that \(\delta _{st}(v)\) is defined as the ratio of shortest paths between st passing through v, relative to all shortest paths between st. The Brandes algorithm [7] is the fundamental BC algorithm, whose time complexity is \(O(nm + n^2logn)\) where \(n=|V|\), \(m=|E|\) are the vertex and edge number, respectively. Brandes is computationally expensive for large graphs and thus cannot support real-time query answering. Subsequently, there come other strategies that aim at improving the scalability of Brandes [8,9,10,11,12,13]. However, these strategies that either distribute or parallelize the computation could hardly apply to road networks, as analyzed in Section 2.2. Therefore, only Brandes could be used and extended to CC computation by ignoring the path number [5].


The network is dynamic with traffic conditions keep changing [14,15,16,17,18,19], obtaining vertices’ CC values in real-time is quite useful. Typically, we are only interested in monitoring a small set of critical vertices over time, e.g., those that connect different parts of the road network. For other vertices, it is unnecessary to maintain their CC. However, existing BC-based methods that either maintain CC of all vertices or none of them are computationally expensive and cost-ineffective. Then a question comes naturally: why not focus on developing an online CC-answering method for single vertices that can be easily adapted to dynamic road networks? Therefore, we aim to propose Coverage Centrality Query Answering Framework that relieves the heavy computation involved in Brandes-based methods. Instead, it is lightweight and can efficiently answer most CC queries in real-time.


Our problem is how to efficiently answer CC queries given a underlying road network G(VEW), where a CC query is denoted as q(s) (\(s\in V\)). According to formula (1), to answer q(s), we need to check every vertex pair (ab) in G to see whether it has a shortest path that passes through v. We term the checking as the dependency check for (ab). Thus, it takes \(t = (n-1)(n-2)\tau \) time in total, where \(\tau \) is the time of one dependency check. This naive calculation is obviously time-consuming. Approximately, t is around 25 hours for medium-size road network (with around 300, 000 vertices like New York City and Beijing) with \(\tau \) in microsecond level. There comes our challenge: how to calculate accurate CC values efficiently.

Our idea

We focus on speeding up CC calculation through reducing the number of vertex pairs that require dependency checks. Given a CC query q(v), we initially need to check \((n-1)(n-2)\) vertex pairs. However, we find that some vertex pairs can be pruned: vertex pairs (ab) that satisfy: \(\exists \hat{p}(v,a), \hat{p}(v,b)\) s.t. \(\{v\} \subseteq \hat{p}(v,a)\cap \hat{p}(v,b)\). As this means that the concatenation of \(\hat{p}(v,a), \hat{p}(v,b)\) contains a cycle so that the shortest must not pass through v and (ab) can be pruned. The Shortest Path Tree (SPT) rooted at v (denoted as \(T_v\), Figure 1) is a perfect structure to organize starting from v to all other vertices. A SPT is formally defined below.

Definition 1

(Shortest Path Tree (SPT)) The shortest path tree rooted at \(v\in V\) denoted as \(T_v\) is a spanning tree of G s.t. any simple path from v to another vertex u in \(T_v\) corresponds to one of the shortest paths \(\hat{p}_{v,u}\) in G.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Example graph and its shortest path tree \(T_{v_{10}}\)

Spatially, a SPT \(T_v\) divides the network into multiple cone-shaped regions v [20] where the region denotes descendants of the same child of v in \(T_v\). Vertex pairs (uv) where uv belong to the same region can be pruned, and we this as intra-region pruning. Nevertheless, many inter-region vertex pairs (i.e., vertex pairs with two endpoints in different regions) remain to check. We discuss their pruning methods in Section 3.3. The next problem is how we should check the unpruned vertex pairs. Our idea is to traverse the SPT and check vertex pairs along the traversal. We first propose the top-down traversal strategy, while it still incurs abundant dependency checks for vertices with high CC values. Thereby, we propose bottom-up traversal and mixed traversal for those vertices of high CC values.


To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to study the efficient centrality computation from the aspect of vertex pairs pruning and the first to support accurate centrality computation of single vertex. Our contributions are as follows:

  • We utilize the SPT as the carrier of centrality calculation and propose intra-region pruning to prune those vertex pairs with endpoints in the same regions;

  • We further propose inter-region pruning to prune those vertex pairs with endpoints in two different regions. Specifically, we propose SPT traversal strategies (top-down, bottom-up, and mix) for vertices of different centrality levels;

  • We conduct extensive performance studies in real-life road networks, and the experimental results demonstrate the superiority of our approaches.

This work is an extension of [21] where we proposed the top-down traversal method. To scale to larger networks, we propose a new pruning technique (Lemma 4) based on previous ones, and further propose two new bottom-up and mixed traversal methods. New experiments on larger networks demonstrate the effectiveness of our new optimization techniques.


Section 2 gives the related work. Section 3 introduces our computation framework which includes pruning techniques (Sections 3.2 and 3.3) and the top-down search (Section 3.4). Section 4 describes the improvements based on the computation framework, including the better search space management (Section 4.1), the bottom-up search (Section 4.2) and the mixed search (Section 4.3). Section 5 discusses experimental results. Section 6 concludes the entire paper.

2 Related work

The definition of Coverage Centrality CC was proposed in [22]. However, the authors did not provide a concrete algorithm for the computation. CC is equivalent to Betweenness Centrality BC [23, 24] when there is no more than one shortest path passing through one specific vertex for each vertex pair. In this section, we briefly summarize existing works about CC and BC, along with shortest path algorithms, as shortest path computation is a fundamental operation of our methods.

2.1 Coverage centrality

The only existing method that computes CC is what was proposed in [25, 26] used to derive a vertex order for relatively small hub-labeling index size. The authors assume that every shortest path is unique, and their idea is to compute the SPT rooted at every vertex, which takes \(O(nm+n^2logn)\) in time using Dijkstra’s [27]. And the CC value of a vertex v is the sum of \(\#\) descendants of v in all SPTs, which can be obtained by running the depth-first search from v over every SPT. The time complexity is \(O(n^2+mn)\). The overall time complexity of computing a vertex’s CC value using this method is \(O(nm+n^2logn)\).

Top-k CC

Yoshida [6] intended to find top-k vertices of the largest CC value by constructing a hypergraph H which consists of sampled vertices. It uses one vertex’s degree in H to approximate its CC value. Specifically, a greedy algorithm is proposed to find those vertices of the highest degree iteratively. In each iteration, the selected vertex and its incident edges are removed from H.

CC maximization

CC maximization aims to find a set of arcs s.t. their insertions maximize the CC value of the target vertex or target group of vertices [28, 29]. It is an NP-hard problem. The proposed solutions prove that the selected edges are guaranteed to benefit the target vertex(s) with a high probability based on certain criteria. Their work does not compute a vertex’s CC value.

2.2 Betweenness centrality

Exact BC

The existing fastest algorithm for exact BC computation is Brandes [7]. It runs the Dijkstra’s from each vertex v and constructs the corresponding directed acyclic graph (DAG), which encodes all the shortest paths starting from v. The BC value of one vertex is obtained by accumulating the paths’ contributions to it through the backward propagation in each DAG. Its time complexity is \(O(nm + n^2logn)\), meaning it can hardly scale to large graphs.

Then there come several strategies to improve the scalability of Brandes by distributing [9, 30] or parallelizing [10, 31,32,33,34] the computation. Besides, another approach accelerates BC computation by identifying equivalent vertices and only considering one vertex of each equivalent group. Specifically, [8] decomposes the graph into multiple components by removing the articulation vertices. The BC value is obtained by summing up vertices’ local BC values computed within each group. However, road networks in real life usually do not contain any articulation vertex. Daniel et al. [11], Suppa and Zimeo [35] decomposes the graph based on community finding algorithms [12]. Two vertices within the same group are considered equivalent if they have the same shortest distance and \(\#\) shortest paths to the border vertices. Nevertheless, it is unlikely to happen in weighted graphs. In [13], vertices are treated equivalent if they have the same neighbors, s.t. the input graph can be compressed by contracting equivalent vertices into one super vertex. Then shortest paths within the super vertices and the compressed graph are considered separately in BC computation. But the equivalence condition only works in an unweighted graph. In summary, all these algorithms can hardly apply to road networks.

Approximated BC

Another line of research scales up BC computation through approximation, which essentially trades the accuracy for efficiency by computing BC on sampled vertices [36]. Their main focus is to minimize the sample size but at the same time guarantee the approximation ratio. Riondato and Kornaropoulos [37] employed Vapnik-Chervonenkis dimension to greedily explore the tightest upper bound on the sample size [37] that guarantees accurate BC approximations. However, it needs some graph parameters to derive the sample size, such as the graph diameter (the longest shortest distance) which is computationally expensive. Then Rademacher average is used s.t. pre-computation of any parameter is not needed [38]. But it has to progressively enlarge the sample size until the guaranteed approximations of BC are obtained, which might drag down the efficiency. In addition, another drawback associated with these approximate methods is that the sample size could still be significant when the input graph is of considerable scale, which means the computation may stay inevitably slow.

Dynamic BC

Many approaches update the BC values based on Brandes. One stream distinguishes potentially affected vertices and updates them by decomposing the graph based on some data structures, such as independent minimum union cycles [39] and biconnected components [40]. Nevertheless, it works assuming that the updates would not affect the decomposition; otherwise, the BC must be recomputed from scratch. However, the assumption can hardly be satisfied. Another stream saves the intermediate results generated during Brandes’s computation, such as predecessor list and DAGs, to maintain the centrality value [41, 42]. When an update comes, the intermediate results are updated and recalculated for those affected BC values by identifying the changed shortest paths. However, they all have the same time complexity as that of Brandes and consume significant space. Besides, there have been many works in real-time graph analytics that accelerate different graph-based queries on large volume and high velocity streaming graphs [43, 44]. However, they do not directly support BC queries.

Top-k BC

Besides computing BC values, comparing them and identifying top-k vertices with the highest values are of wide application. Because of the expensive computation of the existing BC algorithm Brandes, alternative centrality metrics similar to BC are proposed [45,46,47]. For instance, Lee et al. [48] made use of the novel property of biconnected components to derive the upper-bound of BC value of each vertex. But a road network can hardly be decomposed into multiple biconnected components as aforementioned. Fan et al. [49] proposed a deep learning method to learn the structural importance of vertices. However, it only applied to unweighted graphs.

2.3 Computing shortest paths

The shortest path algorithm is the building block of centrality computation. This paper uses it to compute the shortest distance between one given vertex pair. The fundamental shortest path algorithm is Dijkstra’s [27], which finds the shortest path in breadth-first search manner with time complexity \(O(m + nlogn)\). Then A* [50, 51] is proposed to speed up it by directing the search space towards the destination. Nevertheless, both are not efficient enough, especially for a large graph. Then auxiliary information is stored to accelerate the computation, including shortcuts in Contraction Hierarchy (CH) [52] and labels in Hub Labeling (HL) [53, 54]. To be specific, CH computes the shortest path by traversing vertices in a bottom-up manner bidirectionally. HL calculates the shortest distance by summing up the distance label value and takes the minimum one as the shortest distance without graph traversal. Therefore, HL is generally more efficient in shortest distance computation, and we use it as our shortest path index.

3 Coverage centrality query answering framework

In this section, we introduce how to calculate the CC of a vertex s using the SPT rooted as s (i.e., \(T_s\)). We first demonstrate the computation framework (Section 3.1) and the associated characteristics that accelerate CC computation (Sections 3.2, 3.3). We then propose the algorithm in Section 3.4 that utilized the characteristics given the framework.

3.1 Overview

Given a road network G and a CC query q(s), our framework employs (1) \(T_s\), (2) a HL-based shortest distance index \(\mathcal {L}\) of G and (3) a CC computation algorithm based on \(T_s\). This is because based on (1), obtaining CC(s) needs to perform abundant dependency checks. The time complexity to perform a dependency check is \(O(nm +nlogn)\) using Dijkstra’s algorithm [27] while a shortest distance algorithm \(\textit{SPA}\) based on \(\mathcal {L}\) (e.g. [54]) can improve the efficiency to \(O(\tau )\) (\(\tau \le n\)). Therefore, our framework employs \(\mathcal {L}\) as a core component. Despite this, the time complexity of answering q(s) is \(O(n^2\tau )\) which remains impractical for real-time CC answering in a large road network. To address this problem, our framework further employs \(T_s\) as its structural characteristics help us directly identify the dependencies of many vertex pairs on s without the need for any computation, which are summarized as Lemmas 1 and 2. Thereby, we can reduce abundant dependency checks. We further propose a CC computation algorithm based on \(T_s\) in Section 3.4 to implement our idea.

Algorithm 1
figure a

Top-down traversal.

Note that our CC computation method does not rely on the underlying graph being static, because we only borrow \(\mathcal {L}\) and we assume that \(\mathcal {L}\) always provided and kept up-to-date. We do not build any index ourselves, the ‘index-free’ nature of our method allows it to answer CC queries in dynamic graphs. When a CC query is issued, our method processes CC queries in the same manner regardless of whether the underlying road network is static or dynamic. Specifically, given a road network G and a query vertex s, we first construct \(T_s\) using Dijkstra algorithm [27] in real-time, then invoke a CC computation algorithm (e.g., Algorithm 1). Although these algorithms employ a shortest distance index \(\mathcal {L}\) which requires updates when changes occur in G, the efficient maintenance of \(\mathcal {L}\) falls outside the scope of this paper, and has been addressed in [46]. The time complexity of Dijkstra and Algorithm 1 is \(O(m +nlogn)\) time and \(O(n^2\tau )\). Therefore, the time complexity of our framework is \(O(n^2\tau )\).

3.2 Intra-region pruning

Our framework employs \(T_s\) due to the underlying pruning power. In this section, we introduce the intra-region pruning strategy which predicates that intra-region vertex pairs of \(T_s\) must not depend on s and therefore do not need to be checked. Let us first define region as below.

Definition 2

(Region) Given the SPT \(T_s\) rooted at s, a region denotes the whole set of vertices in a subtree \(T_s(v), v\in cld(s)\).

where \(T_s(v)\) denotes the subtree of \(T_s\) rooted at v and cld(s) denotes the children tree nodes of s in \(T_s\).

Let \(M_v\) be the number of v’ children tree nodes, i.e. \(M_v=\vert cld(v)\vert \). The vertex set V of G is partitioned into regions \(T_s^1,\dots ,T_s^{M_s}\). Particularly, we call a vertex pair (uw) a intra-region vertex pair if u and w are located in the same region or otherwise a inter-region pair. All intra-region vertex pairs can be safely pruned from dependency checking as they definitely do not depend on s according to the following lemma.

Lemma 1

For any vertex pair in the same region of \(T_s\), i.e. \(u, w \in T_s(v) \ (v\in cld(s))\), then \(s \notin \hat{p}_{u,w}\).


We can prove it by contradiction. Assume that there exists a shortest path \(p_1\) between uw in G that contains s. Then the length of \(p_1\) must equal \(l(\hat{p_{u,s}}) + l(\hat{p_{s, w}})\). Meanwhile, since u and w are in the same subtree \(T_s(v)\), there must exist a path \(p_2\) between uw that is the concatenation of \(\hat{p}_{u,v}, \hat{p}_{v,w}\). Given that \(l(\hat{u,v}) < l(\hat{u,s})\) and \(l(\hat{v,w} < \hat{v,s})\), we have \(l(p_2) < l(p_1)\). Thus, \(p_1\) cannot be the shortest path between uw; this contradicts our assumption. We proved that \(s \notin \hat{p}_{u,w}\). \(\square \)

Suppose \(\#\) vertices in each region of \(T_s\) are \(n_1,...,n_{M_s}\), then there are \(\sum _{1\le i\le M_s}n_i^2\) vertex pairs being pruned from the dependency checking.

3.3 Inter-region pruning

Following the intra-region pruning, only the inter-region vertex pairs were left for dependency check. That is, we only need to check the vertex pair (uv) with \(u\in T_s^i, v\in T_s^j\) (\(1\le i < j \le M_s\)). How could we check those \(\sum _{1\le i < j \le M_s}n_i\times n_j\) vertex pairs efficiently? The naive solution is to check them one by one; however, some vertex pairs could avoid being checked if their parent vertex pairs (defined as follows) do not have the shortest path passing s, as illustrated in Lemma 2.

Definition 3

(Parent Vertex Pair) Given a vertex \(v \in V\), we use v.p to denote the parent of v in \(T_s\). For a vertex pair(uv), its right parent vertex pair is (uv.p), and its left parent vertex pair is (u.pv).

Lemma 2

s does not constitute any shortest path between uv (i.e., (uv) does not depend on s) if the left (or right) parent vertex pair of (uv) does not.


Without loss of generality, suppose the right parent vertex pair (uv.p) does not depend on s. We denote \(p_{u,v.p}\) as a path concatenated by \(\hat{p}_{u,s}, \hat{p}_{s,v.p}\), and \(p_{u,v}\) is concatenated by \(\hat{p}_{u,s}, \hat{p}_{s,v.p}\) and the edge (v.pv). Clearly, \(p_{u,v.p}\) is a subpath of \(p_{u,v}\). Since \(p_{u,v.p}\) is not the shortest path, \(p_{u,v}\) cannot be either, and the shortest paths between (uv) do not pass s. \(\square \)

3.4 Top-down traversal

Given Lemma 2, for a vertex pair (uv), we could first check its parent vertex pairs. If the checked parent vertex pair depends on s, we then check (uv); otherwise, (uv) can be pruned. Thereby, we propose to check the inter-region vertex pairs by traversing the SPT in a top-down manner, and we call this way of vertex pair checking as top-down traversal. And we use transmission route to embody the traversal and define it as follows.

Definition 4

(Transmission Route) A transmission route Tra is to encode the sequence of movements to get from an inter-region vertex pair (uv) (\(u\in T_s^i, v\in T_s^j\) and \(i < j\)) to its descendant vertex pairs, where each movement is a downward hop in \(T_s^i\) or \(T_s^j\) via an edge in \(T_s\). Without loss of generality, we use 0 (resp. 1) to denote the downward hop in \(T_s^i\) (resp. \(T_s^j\)).

For example, \((v_9,v_{11}) \overset{Tra}{\longrightarrow }\ (v_7,v_{11}), (v_8, v_{11})\) with \(Tra=\{0\}\) and \((v_9,v_{11}) \overset{Tra}{\longrightarrow }\ (v_7,v_6), (v_8, v_6)\) with \(Tra=\{10, 01\}\).

For the inter-region vertex pairs across two regions \(T_s^i, T_s^j\) (\(i \ne j\)), we initialize the traversal by first checking the vertex pair \((v_i, v_j)\) where \(v_i\) (resp. \(v_j\)) is the root of \(T_s^i\) (resp. \(T_s^j\)), then push down the traversal by checking its child vertex pairs \(\{(v'_i,v_j)\vert \forall v'_i \in cld(v_i)\}\) and \(\{(v_i, v'_j)\vert \forall v'_j\in cld(v_j)\}\). It can be easily seen that every vertex pair between the two regions have the chance to be checked. Nevertheless, some vertex pairs could be checked more than once according to the following Lemma 3, which results in a tremendous redundant computations.

Let \(h_s(v)\) denote the level of v in \(T_s\) (\(h_s(s)=0\)).

Lemma 3

Suppose that the dependency check on the vertex pair (uv) (\(u\in T_s^i, v\in T_s^j\) and \(i\ne j\)) propagates to vertex pair \((u',v')\) with \(h_s(u')-h_s(u)=a, h_s(v')-h_s(v)=b\), then \((u',v')\) could be repeatedly checked for \(C_{a+b}^a\) times.


To traverse \((u',v')\) downwards from (uv), the movements in transmission route \((u,v)\overset{Tra}{\longrightarrow }(u',v')\) contains a 0s and b 1s. The order of movements in \(T_s^i\) or \(T_s^j\) does not make any difference. Therefore, there are \(C_{a+b}^a\) different transmission routes s.t. \((u',v')\) would be repeatedly checked for \(C_{a+b}^a\) times. \(\square \)

The question then becomes how to skillfully avoid redundant dependency checks without the need to label if a vertex pair has been checked already.

Theorem 1

For \((u,v)\overset{Tra}{\longrightarrow }(u',v')\) with \(h_s(u')-h_s(u)=a, h_s(v')-h_s(v)=b, a+b>1\), if we exclude all Tras that contain the subsequence “10”, then there left only one Tra.


We only need to prove that only one Tra exists that does not contain any subsequence “10”. This is intuitively right because Tra can only be in the format \(Tra = \{0\}^i\{1\}^j\) where \(i, j \ge 0, i + j = a+b\). \(\square \)

For example (Figure 1), in \((v_9,v_{11}) \overset{Tra}{\longrightarrow }\ (v_2,v_6)\), Tra could be \(100, 010, 001\}\). However, after applying the “10” restriction, Tra can only be 001.

We could avoid the repetitive dependency checks by complying with Theorem 1. Given Lemma 2, the traversal terminates when we finish checking child vertex pairs of vertex pairs that are visited by us depending on s. With all these theoretical directions, we illustrate our top-down traversal in Algorithm 1. Specifically, we first construct a shortest path tree \(T_s\) (line 1) and initialize a heap H by inserting into a triple (uv, 0) with \(u, v\in cld(s)\) and \(u\ne v\) (line 2). DC(uvs) is the dependency check function and we use dep to denote the result. dep is true if s depends on (uv); otherwise false. If s depends on (uv), we insert its child vertex pair into H with the compliance to Theorem 1 (line \(6-12\)).

For example, given the query vertex \(v_{10}\), the example graph G, and the SPT in Figure 1. Figure 2 shows all inter-region vertex pairs in \(T_{10}\) with movement choices (0 or 1 in blue color) of their parents. The top-down traversal strategy (Algorithm 1) first initializes the heap H with \((v_9,v_{11}, 0)\). Then it iteratively checks the dependency of vertex pairs (uv) in H until H is empty. If (uv) depends on \(v_{10}\) (denoted in black color), the algorithm first increments \(\textit{CC}(v_{10})\) by 1, then checks the movement label (mov) of (uv). If \(mov=0\), all child vertex pairs of (uv) are inserted into H (e.g. \((u,v)=(v_9,v_{11})\)); whereas if \(mov=1\), only (uw) (\(\forall v\in cld(v)\)) are inserted into H (e.g. \((u,v) = (v_9,v_6)\)). For a vertex pair that does not depend on \(v_{10}\) (denoted in green color), none of its child vertex pairs is inserted into H (e.g., \((v_2,v_{11})\)). These vertex pairs are denoted in orange color. Compared to performing dependency checks of (11-1)(11-2) = 90 vertex pairs in G, we only need to check 14 vertex pairs. Specifically, Lemma 1 prunes 40 vertex pairs (e.g. \((v_9,v_7), (v_7,v_1), (v_11,v_6)\)), and Lemma 2 prunes 36 vertex pairs (e.g., those in orange color in Figure 2).

Fig. 2
figure 2

Illustration of the top-down traversal strategy implemented with Algorithm 1

We can find that given q(s), top-down traversal (Algorithm 1) has to check every vertex pair that depends on s. Namely, the number of dependency checks incurred by top-down traversal is at least CC(s) which is infeasible for vertices with large CC values. This makes us think about other solutions that require fewer dependency checks.

4 Improved algorithms

Top-down traversal checks a parent vertex pair before its child vertex pairs. However, this can be unnecessary. Given Lemma 4 (introduced below), if we know a vertex pair (uv) depends on the query vertex s, then its parent and ancestor vertex pairs must also depend on s.

Lemma 4

Given a vertex pair (uv) that depends on s, the left and right parent vertex pairs (if they exist) of (uv) must also depend on s.

Due to Lemma 4, an intuitive idea to improve top-down traversal is to start dependency check with medium-level vertex pairs instead of vertex pairs at level 1. To implement this idea, we can let all inter-regions vertex pairs initially labeled as “unpruned” and continuously check vertex pairs until none of them is labeled as “unpruned”. Assume that the vertex pair (uv) is under checking; if it depends on s, we first select a “unpruned” descendant vertex pair of (uv) as the next vertex pair to check, then mark all ancestor vertex pairs of (uv) as “pass”; otherwise, we select an “unpruned” ancestor vertex pair of (uv) and label all descendent vertex pairs of (uv) as “dnt”. Finally, we count \(\#\) vertex pairs labeled as “pass” which is the value of CC(s).

4.1 Search space management

The “unpruned” vertex pairs can be regarded as the dynamic search space when processing a CC query. Compared to the top-down traversal strategy, flexible checking methods may incur fewer dependency checks but have an overhead in maintaining the search space, which becomes our new problem. Here, we propose decomposing \(T_s\) into branches and managing search space in units of branch pairs instead of vertex pairs.

Definition 5

(SPT Decomposition) Given a query vertex s, SPT decomposition (Algorithm 2) turns \(T_s\) into a set of disjoint branches \(\mathcal {B}\) s.t. every vertex \(v\in V\) belongs to exactly one branch \(B\in \mathcal {B}\). Specifically, each branch \(B\in \mathcal {B}\) is a sequence of vertices \(B=\langle v_0,...,v_k\rangle \) that satisfy: (1) \(v_0.p\) is either s or have more than 1 child (i.e. \(\vert cld(u)\vert > 1\)); (2) \(v_k\) is a leaf node in \(T_s\); and (3) \(\forall 0\le i < k, v_{i+1} = v_i.p\).

Consider a branch B(x) starting with vertex x and an integer i (\(0\le i < \vert B(x)\vert \)). Denote by B(x)[i] the i-th vertex \(v_i\in B(x)\) with \(h(v_i)=h(x)+i\) (\(i<\vert B(x)\vert \)). Denote by B(x)[0, i] the vertices \(v\in B(x)\) s.t. \(h(x')\le h(x)+i\). For example, given \(B(v_{11})=\langle v_{11}, v_6, v_5, v_3\rangle \), \(B(v_{11})[2]=v_5, B(v_{11})[0,2]=\{v_{11}, v_6,v_5\}\).

Algorithm 2
figure b

SPT decomposition.

The time complexity of Algorithm 2 is \(O(m+n)\). In addition to decomposing the SPT into disjoint branches, we give each branch a unique id, and for each branch, we record the ids of its parent and child branch(s). Let B(u) (\(u\in V\)) denote a branch starting at u. The parent branch B(u).p of B(u) satisfies that \(u.p\in B(u).p\).

Definition 6

(Parent Branch Pair) Given a branch pair \((B_i,B_j)\), its left (resp. right) parent branch pair \((B_{i'}, B_{j'})\) satisfies that \(B_{i'}=B_i.p\) and \(B_{j'}=B_j\) (resp. \(B_{i'}=B_i\) and \(B_{j'}=B_j.p\)).

For example, given an SPT \(T_{v_{10}}\) in Figure 1(b). After SPT decomposition, we obtain the following branches: \(B(v_{11})=\langle v_{11}, v_6, v_5, v_3\rangle , B(v_4)=\langle v_4\rangle , B(v_9)=\langle v_9, v_8, v_2, v_1\rangle ,\) \(B(v_7)=\langle v_7\rangle \), where \(B(v_4).p = B(v_{11}), B(v_7).p=B(v_9)\).

The size of a branch must be smaller than the height of the corresponding SPT, which is O(logn). Thus, the number of branches is \(O(\frac{n}{logn})\). If we manage search space in units of branch pairs, the size of search space becomes \(O((\frac{n}{logn})^2)\), which is much less than \(O(n^2)\) vertex pairs.

Algorithm 3 illustrates how to maintain the search space in units of branch pairs. Algorithm 3 is quite similar to Algorithm 1 in that the former one also (1) uses a heap H to store ‘objects’ to be checked, (2) visits a parent before their children ‘objects’, and (3) uses the same strategy to avoid repetitively inserting same ‘objects’ into H. What is new in Algorithm 3 is that (1) ‘objects’ in Algorithm 3 are branch pairs, not vertex pairs; (2) each branch pair is associated with a ‘local search space’ which is determined by corresponding Deepest Depending Level (DDL).

Definition 7

(Deepest Depending Level (DDL)) Given a query vertex s, a vertex u and a branch B(v) (\(s\ne u\ne v\)), the deepest depending level DDL DDL(uv) of u is an integer i (\(0\le i < \vert B(v)\vert \)) used to refer to the vertex B(v)[i] which satisfies: (1) (uB(v)[i]) depends on s; and (2) if \(i < \vert B(v)\vert -1\), \((u_i,B(v)[i+1])\) must not depend on s.

For example, given the example graph, the SPT \(T_{v_{10}}\) in Figure 1, and the branches \(B(v_{11}), B(v_7)\) where \(B(v_{11})=\langle v_{11}, v_6, v_5, v_3\rangle \) and \(B(v_7)=\langle v_7 \rangle \), the DDL of \(v_7\) is 0. Because \((v_7, v_{11})\) depends on \(v_{10}\) while \((v_7,v_6)\) does not, we have \(\textit{DDL}(v_7,v_{11}) = 0\); similarly, \(\textit{DDL}(v_{11},v_7)=0\). Whereas since \((v_7,v_6)\) does not depend on \(v_{10}\), \(v_6\) does not have a valid DDL regarding \(B(v_7)\), denoted by \(\textit{DDL}(v_6, v_7)=-1\).

The local search space of a branch pair (B(u), B(v)) represented as a pair of integers (lftrgt) denotes the set of vertex pairs \(\{(u',v')\vert \ \forall u'\in B(u)[0,left], v'\in B(v)[0,rgt]\}\) whose dependencies are unknown to us and needed to be checked. In other words, vertex pairs outside the range are pruned. The default local search space of a branch pair (B(u), B(v)) is \((\vert B(u)\vert -1, \vert B(v)\vert -1)\), but we want to reduce it as much as possible. Suppose that the \(\textit{DDL}\) of u’s parent u.p regarding B(v) is i (\(0\le i < \vert B(v)\vert \)) i.e., \(\textit{DDL}(u.p,B(v)) = i\). Given Lemma 2, the search space of (B(u), B(v)) can be confined to \((\vert B(u)\vert -1, i)\). Enlightened by this, we make Algorithm 3 traverse branch pairs in a top-down order to obtain \(\textit{DDL}s\) of vertices in a parent branch pair before determining the local search space of its child branch pairs.

Now we are ready to introduce Algorithm 3 in detail. It first decomposes \(T_s\) to get disjoint branches \(\mathcal {B}\) (line 1) and initializes a heap H with penta-tuples (B(u), lftB(v),  rgt, 0) with \(u,v\in cld(s)\) and \(lft = \vert B(u)\vert -1, rgt = \vert B(v)\vert -1\). Then it enters the main loop (lines 3-19). In each iteration, it first removes a penta-tuple (B(u), lftB(v), rgtmov) from H (line 4); then, a DDL computation algorithm is called to compute DDLs of vertices in B(u)[0, lft] and B(v)[0, rgt] (line 5). The remaining is to retrieve child branch pairs of (B(u), B(v)) and determine their local search space (line 6-19). Specifically, for each vertex \(u_i\in B(u)[0,lft]\), we get DDL j of \(u_i\) regarding B(v). Then, the local search space of child branch pairs (B(w), B(v)) (\(w\in cld(u_i)\)) can shrink to \((\vert B(w)\vert -1, j)\). Similarly, for each vertex \(v_i\in B(v)[0,rgt]\), given the DDL of \(v_i\) regarding B(u) is j, the local search space of child branch pairs (B(u), B(w)) (\(w\in cld(v_i)\)) becomes \((j, \vert B(w)\vert -1)\).

Algorithm 3
figure c

CC computation paradigm over decomposed SPT.

Theorem 2

Algorithm 3 correctly manages the search space during processing a \(\textit{CC}\) query.


To prove Theorem 2, we need to show that (1) every pruned vertex pair does not depend on query vertex s; and (2) every branch pair is at most inserted to H once. We prove (1) by contradiction. Suppose that a vertex pair (xy) depends on s but is pruned. Then either the branch pair (B(u), B(v)) s.t. \(x\in B(u), y\in B(v)\) is not inserted into H, or (xy) is not included in the local search space of (B(u), B(v)). Both cases ensure that (xy) does not depend on s, which contradicts our assumption. Whereas (2) can be proved by Theorem 1. \(\square \)

Algorithm 3 allows the pruning information to spread and advance through the parent-child relationships between branch pairs. Another advantage of Algorithm 3 is that it confines dependency checks within each branch pair, simplifying our problem to DDL computation over a branch pair. In the following paragraphs, we propose two DDL computation strategies for branch pairs, i.e., the bottom-up traversal strategy and mixed traversal strategy.

4.2 Bottom-up traversal

This section introduces the bottom-up traversal strategy designed for vertices with high CC values.

Lemma 2 guarantees the continuity between vertex pairs in \(T_s\) that depend on vertex s. In other words, for a vertex v with a large \(\textit{CC}(v)\), only a few vertex pairs do not depend on v, and these vertex pairs must reside at bottom levels in \(T_v\). The top-down traversal strategy that is based on Lemma 2 starts digging into \(T_v\) from level-1 inter-region vertex pairs. It does not stop until finds vertex pairs at bottom levels that do not depend on v. This strategy needs to check dependencies of at least \(\textit{CC}(v)\) vertex pairs, which is infeasible in practice.

Conversely, based on Lemma 4, given a query vertex v with large \(\textit{CC}(v)\), we can start with checking inter-region vertex pairs at the bottom level of \(T_v\). We recursively check the parent vertex pair(s) of current vertex pair (uv) under checking and do not stop until (uv) does depend on v. We denote this strategy as the bottom-up traversal strategy.

Algorithm 4 illustrates the bottom-up traversal strategy in detail. Given the query vertex s, the branch pair (B(u), B(v)) and its local search space lftrgt, Algorithm 4 first checks the dependency of (B(u)[lft], B(v)[rgt]). If the vertex pair (xy) under checking does not depend on s, the algorithm checks their parent vertex pairs (line 6-8); else, it updates \(\textit{DDL}\)s of xy (line 10-13). This step is conducted recursively until no more vertex pair is checked. Then, the algorithm determines \(\textit{DDL}\)s of vertices that have not been decided (lines 14-19). The time complexity of Algorithm 4 is \(O(lft\times rgt)\).

Algorithm 4
figure d

Bottom-up traversal.

Lemma 5

Given a branch pair (B(u), B(v)) and two vertices \(u_i,u_j\in B(u)\) where \(u_j=u_i.p\), there must exist \(\textit{DDL}(u_j,v)\ge \textit{DDL}(u_i,v)\).

Theorem 3

Algorithm 4 correctly determines \(\textit{DDL}\)s of vertices in the given branch pair.


We can prove this by contradiction. Consider a branch pair (B(u), B(v)), its local search space (lftrgt), and the query vertex s. Without loss of generality, suppose B(u)[i] is the first vertex whose \(\textit{DDL}(B(u)[i],v)\) is mistakenly calculated by Algorithm 4. There are two cases:

Fig. 3
figure 3

Illustration of bottom-up traversal strategy implemented with Algorithm 4

Case 1: The wrong value j of \(\textit{DDL}(B(u)[i],v)\) is greater than its true value \(j'\). Because (B(u)[i], B(v)[j]) does not depend on s, line 11 is never executed. So, if \(i < lft\), \(\textit{DDL}(B(u)[i],v)\leftarrow j\) is executed at line 16. Namely, j is the value of \(\textit{DDL}(B(u)[i+1],v)\). However, based on Lemma 5, \(j' > \textit{DDL}(B(u)[i+1],v)=j\) which contradicts our assumption. If \(i = lft\), then \(j'\) remains the default value \(-1\), which is not greater than \(j'\), contradicting our assumption.

Case 2: j is smaller than \(j'\). This would happen only if the vertex pair (B(u)[i],  \(B(u)[j'])\) is not inserted into H. However, this means that \((B(u)[i], B(v)[j'+1])\) depends on s which contradicts our assumption. \(\square \)

Figure 3 shows an example of running Algorithm 4. Consider two branches \(B(v_{11})=\langle v_{11}, v_6, v_5, v_3\rangle ,\) \(B(v_9)=\langle v_9, v_8, v_2, v_1\rangle \) of the SPT in Figure 1, and suppose we are counting the number of vertex pairs (uv) where \(u\in B(v_{11})\) and \(v\in B(v_9)\) that depend on \(v_{10}\). Given the input \(v_{10}, B(v_9), 3, B(v_{11}),3\), the algorithm first initializes the heap H with \((v_1, v_3,0)\). In the main loop, since \((v_1,v_3)\) does not depend on \(v_{10}\), we insert its parent vertex pairs \((v_2,v_3)\) and \((v_1,v_5)\) in H. When \((v_2,v_3)\) is removed from H, we insert both its parent vertex pairs into H as \((v_2,v_3)\) is associated with \(mov=0\) (written in blue). Whereas when \((v_1,v_5)\) is removed from H, we only insert one of its parent vertex pairs \((v_1,v_6)\) into H, as which is associated with \(mov=1\). The same operations are repeated on every vertex pair removed from H that does not depend on \(v_{10}\) (denoted by black color). As for a vertex pair, e.g., \((v_9,v_3)\) that depends on \(v_{10}\) (denoted by green color), we do not insert any of its parent vertex pairs into H. Instead, we set their DDLs, e.g. \(\textit{DDL}(v_9)\leftarrow 3\) and \(\textit{DDL}(v_3)\leftarrow 0\). When Algorithm 4 breaks from the while loop, all vertex pairs in Figure 3, except those written in orange, have once been inserted H. Besides, DDLs of \(v_9,v_3,v_8,v_6,v_2,v_{11}\) have been determined in the main loop. And \(\textit{DDL}(v_5)\) is set to 0 in line 19. Compared to performing dependency checks of 4\(\times \)4 vertex pairs in \(B(v_{11}), B(v_9)\), we only need to check 12 vertex pairs due to Lemma 4.

Algorithm 5
figure e

Mixed traversal.

4.3 Mixed traversal

The top-down traversal strategy is only suitable for vertices with extremely small \(\textit{CC}\) values, as it is based on the heuristic that only a few vertex pairs at top levels of \(T_s\) depend on the query vertex s; in contrast, the bottom-up traversal strategy is only suitable for vertices with extremely large \(\textit{CC}\) values, as which is based on the heuristic that only a few vertex pairs at bottom levels of \(T_s\) do not depend on s. However, it is usually difficult to predict if a vertex has an extremely large or small CC value. In this case, we do not know which strategy should be used. Besides, most vertices have medium-level CC values that have no heuristic about vertex pairs from which levels in \(T_s\) begin not to depend on the query vertex \(T_s\).

This section introduces the mixed traversal strategy that computes DDLs for vertices in the given branch pair without being based on any heuristic. To quickly find their DDLs, the mixed traversal strategy fully exploits both Lemmas 2 and 4. Given (B(u), B(v)), the local search space (lftrgt) and the query vertex s. Suppose \((u_i,v_{j-1})\) depends on s and we are checking the dependency of \((u_i,v_j)\) where \(u_i\) (resp. \(v_j\)) is the ith (resp. jth) vertex of B(u) (resp. B(v)). If \((u_i,v_j)\) depends on the query vertex s, the mixed traversal strategy continues to find \(DDL(u_i,v)\) by checking \((u_i, v_{j+1})\) (if \(j < rgt\)). If \((u_i,v_j)\) does not depend on s, based on Lemma 2, \((u_{i+1}, v_j)\) cannot depend on s; based on Lemma 4, \((u_{i-1},v_j)\) must depend on s. However, the dependency of \((u_{i-1},v_{j+1})\) remains unknown. Therefore, the mixed traversal strategy then checks \((u_{i-1},v_{j+1})\).

Algorithm 5 is the implementation of the mixed traversal strategy. Given (B(u),  B(v)), the local search space (lftrgt) and the query vertex s, the Algorithm 5 maintains a pointer preJ (initialized as 0) which points to the deepest vertex in B(v) that has ever been visited. The main loop (line 3-20) of the algorithm iterates over B(u) from the lft-th to 0-th vertex. In every (say the i-th) iteration of the main loop, Algorithm 5 iterates over B(v) from the preJ-th one, and does not stop until B(v)[rgt] is reached or the vertex pair (B(u)[i], B(v)[j]) under checking does not depend on s. Specifically, if (B(u)[i], B(v)[j]) does not depend on s, Algorithm 5 sets DDLs for B(u)[i] (line 9) and vertices in B(v) that have been traversed in this iteration (line 10-11), and terminates current iteration; otherwise, the algorithm keeps on checking \((u_i,v_{j+1})\) until \(j=rgt\) (line 12-17). The time complexity of Algorithm 5 is \(O(lft\times rgt)\).

Theorem 4

Algorithm 5 correctly computes DDLs of vertices of the given branch pair.

Consider two branches \(B(v_{11})=\langle v_{11}, v_6, v_5, v_3\rangle ,\) \(B(v_9)=\langle v_9, v_8, v_2, v_1\rangle \) of the SPT in Figure 1, and suppose we are counting the number of vertex pairs (uv) where \(u\in B(v_{11})\) and \(v\in B(v_9)\) that depend on \(v_{10}\). Given the input \(v_{10}, B(v_9), 3, B(v_{11}),3\), the algorithm first checks the dependency of \((v_1, v_{11})\). Because it does not depend on \(v_{10}\), the algorithm then checks \((v_2,v_{11})\). Since \((v_2,v_{11})\) depends on \(v_{10}\), \((v_2,v_6) \) is checked the next. Then \((v_8,v_6), (v_8,v_5), (v_8,v_3), (v_9,v_3)\). Compared to performing dependency checks of 4\(\times \)4 vertex pairs in \(B(v_{11}), B(v_9)\), we only need to check 7 vertex pairs.

5 Experiments

5.1 Experiment setting


We test on eight real-world road networks [55] as shown in Table 1.

Table 1 Real-world road networks
Fig. 4
figure 4

Proportions of CC values of the sampled vertices at each percentile from each road network


We randomly sampled 1, 000 vertices from each road network as the query vertices. To inspect the CC distribution of the randomly selected vertices, we ranked all selected vertices by their CC values. We found the minimum and maximum CC values and the values at the four quartiles. Figure 4 shows the proportions of vertices in different quartiles. We can find those vertices in a larger road network are more likely to have larger CC values. Specifically, in small road networks (e.g., DG, WH, and SZ), more than 50 \(\%\) of the query vertices are in the second quartile, and more than 80 \(\%\) of them are in the third quartile; while in large road networks (e.g., NY, BY, and CL), less than 30 \(\%\) query vertices are in the second quartile.


We evaluate the efficiency and scalability of traversal strategies, denoted by TopD (Algorithm 1), BotU (Algorithm 4), and Mix (Algorithm 5). Their dependency checks are facilitated by the shortest distance algorithm PLL [54]. As for the baseline, since no algorithm computes exact CC nor is there an algorithm for CC or BC query processing, we could only compare the efficiency of our algorithm with states-of-art algorithms that collectively compute BC values for all vertices in the given graph. Here, we chose Brandes [7] as our baseline.


We present the \(\#\) of dependency checks and the running time to show the efficiency of our algorithms. Note that the running time is influenced by the SPA employed for dependency checks (PLL in this experiment), which can be improved if a more efficient SPA is adapted. As for the Brandes algorithm, we only present its running time.


All algorithms are implemented in C++ and compiled with GNU GCC 9.2.0 with full optimization and conducted on a machine with an Intel Xeon CPU with 2.20GHz and 1 TB main memory running Linux.

Table 2 Median CC value of each query group in different road networks

5.2 Experimental results

Query vertices of each road network are divided into four groups according to the percentile of their CC values among all selected vertices. We present the experimental results in each road network based on query groups to better demonstrate the scalability of our algorithms to vertices at different scales of CC. Specifically, sampled vertices in each road network are divided into four groups. The first, second, third, and fourth groups contain vertices whose CC values are ranked between 0-25 \(\%\), 25-50 \(\%\), 50-75 \(\%\), and 75\(+\ \%\) among all sampled vertices, respectively. We summarize the median CC value of different groups in each road network (Table 2) and find that even belonging to the same group, vertices from the larger road network have bigger CC values.

Table 3 Median \(\#\) of dependency checks performed by each algorithm on each query group of different road networks

Table 3 presents the median \(\#\) of dependency checks our algorithms performed over all groups of queries of each road network. We have the following observations: (1) The \(\#\) of dependency checks our algorithms performed on each query group is much smaller than the corresponding road network’s total \(\#\) vertex pairs. This shows the efficacy of our pruning techniques. (2) The \(\#\) of dependency checks of all the algorithms increases linearly with the increase of vertices’ CC values. (3) the \(\#\) of dependency checks of TopD is much more than that of BotU and Mixed in all query groups. Specifically, the \(\#\) of dependency checks of TopD are slightly larger than corresponding CC values. In contrast, the \(\#\) of checks by BotU and Mixed are fewer than 1/3 of the CC values. This shows the stronger pruning power of BotU and Mixed. (4) BotU has stronger pruning power than Mix for vertices with medium to large CC values.

Table 4 Median. running time (sec) of each algorithm on each query group of different road networks

Table 4 presents the median running time of our algorithms over different query groups in all road networks. It shows that our methods are more efficient than Brandes in orders of magnitude. Especially for vertices in the first and second query groups that have small to medium CC values, the processing time of our methods is negligible compared to which of Brandes. Besides, the running time of our methods increases slowly, unlike Brandes, whose running time increases quadratically with the increasing size of the road network. This shows the much better scalability of our methods compared to Brandes. Among our algorithms, we find that in every road network, TopD method is the least efficient in all the query groups. Its running time can be 2 to 5 times larger than that of BotU and Mix. Besides, with the increase of CC values, the running time of TopD grows faster than which of BotU and Mix. BotU and Mix have similar efficiency in all road networks’ first and second query groups. Whereas in the third and fourth groups, BotU is superior to Mix in terms of both efficiency and scalability. The superiority becomes increasingly evident with the increase of CC values.

5.3 Dynamic CC case study

We conducted a case study on a time-dependent Beijing road network consisting of 296,710 vertices and 774,660 edges with traffic condition changes every two hours. To perform the study, we randomly selected 1,000 vertices. For each selected vertex, denoted as v, we examined its CC every two hours from 2 : 00 to 24 : 00 in a day. We then calculated the standard deviation of the CC values for each vertex.

The results revealed that the average standard deviation of the selected vertices reached a staggering value of \(7\times 10^7\). Only 9\(\%\) of the vertices maintained a constant CC throughout the entire observation period, indicating that the CC of most vertices changed significantly over time. To visualize these dynamics, we plotted the CC values of five selected vertices, representing each vertex with a different color, at all the test times (Figure 5). The figure emphasized how CC can differ completely over time.

Therefore, to address the need for up-to-date CC of critical vertices in a road network, it is crucial to have a real-time CC query answering algorithm which can efficiently retrieve the CC value of the queried vertex at the time of the query. So, in terms of efficiency, our CC query takes 75 seconds in average to compute (medium query time is 15 seconds), while the Brandes algorithm takes more than 6 hours to finish. It should be noted that for Brandes, no result for any single vertex could be obtained before every vertex’s CC is computed. Therefore, when it finishes computation, the results are outdated with traffic conditions have changed three times.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Dynamics of CC of five random vertices in a day

6 Conclusion

In this paper, we proposed the novel coverage centrality (CC) query. Initially, answering a CC query needs to perform a dependency check for every vertex pair in the road network to see if any of its shortest path passes the query vertex, which is infeasible for large road networks. Thereby, we aimed to accelerate the query processing. We proposed the computation framework which employs the shortest path tree (SPT) \(T_v\) rooted at the query vertex v as the carrier of the entire search space, and the pruning techniques to prune the unnecessary vertex pairs for CC computation in \(T_v\). Then, we proposed the top-down traversal strategy to implement the computation framework, which processes CC queries in milliseconds for vertices with small CC values regardless of the size of the road network. Nevertheless, it cannot well scale to query vertices with large CC values. To enhance the scalability of those vertices, we further proposed the bottom-up traversal strategy and the mixed traversal strategy. The experimental results on extensive real-world road networks show the efficiency and scalability of our proposed methods in real-life applications.