Massive Multiple Input Multiple Output (m-MIMO) or Large Scale Antenna System (LSAS) is the latest version of cellular network technology with the purpose to send data from the base station to different users. The huge determined expansion in the mobile equipment and data rate requirement has created the rigid necessity for future wireless communication networks. The m-MIMO envisages a significant increase in the capacity but at the verge of excessive hardware complication. In this paper, we put forward a less complex precoding scheme based on the hybrid architecture to achieve a performance higher than the conventional baseband Minimum Mean Square Estimation (MMSE) precoding. In this paper, we propose a precoding schema namely amplitude and phase MMSE (APMMSE) to attain the performance of traditional MMSE precoding. The informed greedy best-first search has offered to estimate the baseband precoding matrix. It formulates the amplitude of the baseband precoder. Radio Frequency Precoder modifies the phase and provides an optimal signal-to-interference -noise ratio SINR and thus improves spectral efficiency of hybrid architecture.
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Sheikh, J.A., Mustafa, F., Sidiq, S. et al. A New Optimization Technique in Massive MIMO and LSAS using Hybrid Architecture and Channel Estimation Algorithm for 5G Networks. Wireless Pers Commun 120, 771–785 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-021-08489-x
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-021-08489-x