The remote health monitoring system (RHMS) has become more real-time because the internet plus technology develops quickly. To support real-time health monitoring server, three main aspects, such as collecting, transferring and analyzing the health data, should be integrated into a system. So far, many challenges have been solved and many RHMSs have been applied in our daily lives. It is significant to use RHMS to take good care of clients who live alone, especially monitors the health data of clients in nursing home. This paper introduces a health gateway which automatically collects information of the clients. The information includes the users’ identity, vital signs, body temperature, clients’ real-time location and falling action detection. Moreover, the health gateway transmits information in WIFI relaying mode until the information is received by the background server. If the information is abnormal, the health gateway would send an alarm to the server. The server should call a doctor or caretaker and send accurate navigation based on real-time location in 3D architectural modeling to their mobile devices for finding clients quickly.
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This paper is acknowledged by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant: 51502209), the Government Support Enterprise Development Funding of Hubei Province (Grant: 16441), the Three-dimensional Textiles Engineering Research Center of Hubei Province, the Anqing Technology Transfer Center of Wuhan Textile University.
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Yu Li, Pengfeng Liu, Qian Cai, Junwen Guo and Ziwei Zhou are Co-first authors.
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Li, Y., Liu, P., Cai, Q. et al. A Health Gateway for Mobile Monitoring in Nursing Home. Wireless Pers Commun 102, 1573–1587 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-017-5212-1
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-017-5212-1