Group communication applications in Mobile Ad hoc NETworks (MANETs) require stringent bounds on Quality of Service (QoS) parameters. In this paper, we propose an agent driven QoS mesh based multicast routing scheme in MANET that satisfies the user requirements with good reasoning by using adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS). Four types of agents are used in the scheme: Multicast administer, ANFIS, Route inventing and Guard agents. The proposed scheme operates in following steps. (1) ANFIS agent at the source node optimizes membership functions of QoS parameters according to the user QoS requirement. It also computes QoS factor for different combinations of parameter values from optimized membership functions. (2) Route inventing mobile agent carries the QoS requirement, set of parameter values and their corresponding QoS factors to reach multicast receivers through intermediate nodes by using selective flooding and agent cloning. Multicast administer agent (MAA) at the intermediate node decides its QoS satisfiability. (3) Route inventing mobile agents trace back the traversed path by marking QoS nodes. They facilitate MAA at the source node to construct QoS mesh between source and destinations. (4) MAA at the source node selects a shortest path to reach each of the multicast receivers from the constructed QoS mesh, and (5) Guard mobile agent is employed for the link/node failures and management of the group. Our proposed scheme performs better than fuzzy based, and autonomic QoS multicast routing schemes.
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Budyal, V.R., Manvi, S.S. Agent Driven Delay and Power Constrained Multicast Routing in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks by Using ANFIS. Wireless Pers Commun 75, 531–556 (2014). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-013-1375-6
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-013-1375-6