Nowadays, Internet-of-Things (IoT) provides various services to users by being equipped with smart devices. In this regard, the next generation of vehicles collaborates with the features of IoT to provide safety and security on the roads. To achieve this, it is equipped with short-range communication advances by the establishment of Internet connectivity termed as Internet-of-Vehicle (IoV). The standardized Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) connectivity and communication are termed in IEEE 802.11p. Later, an alternative named Long Term Evaluation-V2V (LTE-V2V) has been introduced. In terms of multimedia communication, there is a need for a strategy to achieve high throughput, scalability, heterogeneity, low latency, etc. In addition, that strategy must be intelligent to capture the mood swings and health conditions of the driver to avoid accidents on the roads. Therefore, in this paper, an approach has been proposed that provides intelligent services in IoV for multimedia communication using fog servers. To improve safety on the roads, the proposed approach detects the psychological state of the drivers by using sensing technology. In addition, based on the psychological state, it uses automatic classification techniques for multimedia transfer to vehicles. The proposed solution utilizes the concept of artificial intelligence for the classification of multimedia transfer. The use of sensing technology copes with the drastic situation and mental condition of the drivers. To achieve low latency in terms of multimedia transfer fog computing is utilized. The performance analysis is done in comparison to other approaches in terms of various metrics. The simulation results show that our proposed work can achieve high performance in the provision of safety compared to other schemes introduced in this field.
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Lal, K.N., Lekhraj Automatic multimedia classification based on mood recognition of drivers in Internet-of-vehicle using fog computing. Wireless Netw (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11276-024-03872-5
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11276-024-03872-5