In this paper, we investigate Cloud computing resource provisioning to extend the computing capacity of local clusters in the presence of failures. We consider three steps in the resource provisioning including resource brokering, dispatch sequences, and scheduling. The proposed brokering strategy is based on the stochastic analysis of routing in distributed parallel queues and takes into account the response time of the Cloud provider and the local cluster while considering computing cost of both sides. Moreover, we propose dispatching with probabilistic and deterministic sequences to redirect requests to the resource providers. We also incorporate checkpointing in some well-known scheduling algorithms to provide a fault-tolerant environment. We propose two cost-aware and failure-aware provisioning policies that can be utilized by an organization that operates a cluster managed by virtual machine technology, and seeks to use resources from a public Cloud provider. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed policies improve the response time of users’ requests by a factor of 4.10 under a moderate load with a limited cost on a public Cloud.
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There are several approximations for this queue in the literature, but we choose one which is a good estimate for heavily loaded systems.
This assumption is made just to focus on performance degradation due to failure.
This is the maximum amount of data for a real scientific workflow application [40].
The network latency is negligible as it is less than a second for public Cloud environments [41].
All prices obtained at time of writing this paper during May–June 2011.
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The authors would like to thank Jonatha Anselmi, Rodrigo N. Calheiros, Mohsen Amini, and Amir Vahid for useful discussions.
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Javadi, B., Thulasiraman, P. & Buyya, R. Enhancing performance of failure-prone clusters by adaptive provisioning of cloud resources. J Supercomput 63, 467–489 (2013). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11227-012-0826-2
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11227-012-0826-2