The computing power provided by high performance and low-cost PC-based clusters with Grid platforms are attractive and they are equal or superior to supercomputers and mainframes. In this paper, we present implementation and design rationale of Visuel toolkit for MPI parallel program performance measurement and analysis in cluster and grid environments. Most of performance visualization tools available today for high-performance platforms show solely system performance data (e.g., CPU load, memory usage, network bandwidth, server average load), and thus, being suitable for computing system activity visualization. The Visuel (Visuel (in French language) = to visualize) toolkit is web-based interface designed to show performance activities of all computing nodes of a distributed environment involved in the execution of MPI parallel program, such as CPU load level and memory usage of each computing node. In addition, this toolkit is able to display comparative performance data charts of MPI parallel applications and multiple executions under investigation. The usage of this toolkit shows that it outperforms in easing the process of investigation of parallel applications.
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Li, KC., Chang, HC. The design and implementation of Visuel performance monitoring and analysis toolkit for cluster and grid environments. J Supercomput 40, 299–317 (2007). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11227-006-0020-5
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11227-006-0020-5