Due to the fast development of telecommunications and the great demand of bandwidth, optical wireless communication (OWC) has become a promising trend. OWC offers flexible networks for both indoor and outdoor communications providing high security, high speed and a license free spectrum. Data transmission over indoor OWC systems with diffused channel model at high speed will extend the channel impulse response over several symbol periods with many reflections causing inter-symbol interference. This interference distorts the data symbols being transmitted and affects the signal recovery at the receiver side. This paper studies error control coding for OWC systems over additive white Gaussian noise and ceiling bounce channel models. It considers Hamming coding and channel equalization for unipolar optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) system. The objective is to mitigate the channel distortion, and hence achieve reliable transmission and correct detection at the receiver side.
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Mohamed, S.ED.N., Mohamed, A.EN.A., El-Samie, F.E.A. et al. Performance enhancement of IM/DD optical wireless systems. Photon Netw Commun 36, 114–127 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11107-018-0761-0
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11107-018-0761-0