This article presents a characterization study of a state-of-the-art 40 GHz mode-locked laser using a hybrid integrated microstrip patch antenna and bias-T circuit. A passive mode-locking range of 300 MHz is measured using this technique by tuning the gain and saturable absorber bias values for a maximum wireless distance of 15 cm. The passive mode-locking signal is detected by a direct off-air method from a photonic active integrated antenna. This signal can be used as a remote local oscillator to downconvert incoming signals as part of a bidirectional system for in-building/campus wide remote antenna units in next generation millimetre-wave radio-over-fibre systems.
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Khawaja, B.A., Cryan, M.J. Characterization of a photonic active integrated antenna using a direct off-air transmission technique. Photon Netw Commun 28, 232–236 (2014). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11107-014-0458-y
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11107-014-0458-y