A singularly perturbed parabolic problem of convection-diffusion type with a discontinuous initial condition is examined. An analytic function is identified which matches the discontinuity in the initial condition and also satisfies the homogenous parabolic differential equation associated with the problem. The difference between this analytical function and the solution of the parabolic problem is approximated numerically, using an upwind finite difference operator combined with an appropriate layer-adapted mesh. The numerical method is shown to be parameter-uniform. Numerical results are presented to illustrate the theoretical error bounds established in the paper.
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$$ \lceil f \rceil_{0+\gamma , D} = \sup_{\textbf{p}_{1} \neq \textbf{p}_{2}, \ \textbf{p}_{1}, \textbf{p}_{2}\in D} \frac{\vert f(\textbf{p}_{1}) - f(\textbf{p}_{2}) \vert}{\Vert \textbf{p}_{1}- \textbf{p}_{2} \Vert^{\gamma}} . $$The space \({\mathcal C}^{n+ \gamma }(D ) \) is defined by
$$ {\mathcal C}^{n+\gamma }(D ) = \left \{ z : \frac{\partial^{i+j} z}{ \partial x^{i} \partial t^{j} } \in {\mathcal C}^{0+\gamma }(D), \ 0 \leq i+2j \leq n \right \}, $$and ∥⋅∥n+γ, ⌈⋅⌉n+γ are the associated norms and semi-norms.
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$$ \begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} D^{-}_{t} Y (x_{i},t_{j}) := \frac{Y(x_{i},t_{j})-Y(x_{i},t_{j-1})}{k}, \quad D^{-}_{x} Y(x_{i},t_{j}) :=\frac{Y(x_{i},t_{j})-Y (x_{i-1},t_{j})}{h_{i}}, \\ D^{+}_{x} Y (x_{i},t_{j}) :=\frac{Y(x_{i+1},t_{j})-Y(x_{i},t_{j})}{h_{i+1}}, \ {\delta^{2}_{x}} Y(x_{i},t_{j}) := \frac{2}{h_{i}+h_{i+1}}(D_{x}^{+}Y(x_{i},t_{j})-D^{-}_{x} Y(x_{i},t_{j})). \end{array} $$Bobisud [1] constructs an asymptotic expansion for the solution of (??) of the form \(u=y+R,\ \Vert R \Vert \leq C \sqrt {\varepsilon }\). The construction of y in [1, (10)] identifies the leading term ψ0(x,t) in (23). However, for the numerical analysis, this basic asymptotic expansion will not suffice as parameter explicit bounds on the partial derivatives of the remainder are required to establish an error bound on any numerical approximations.
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This research was partially supported by the Institute of Mathematics and Applications (IUMA), the projects PID2019-105979GB-I00 and PGC2018-094341-B-I00 and the Diputación General de Aragón (E24-17R).
Appendix: : Set of singular functions
Appendix: : Set of singular functions
Below, we construct a set of functions \(\{ \psi _{i} \}_{i=0}^{4}\) such that Lψi = 0; \( \psi _{i} \in C^{i-1+\gamma } (\bar { Q}), \ i \geq 1\) and each function ψi is smooth within the open region Q ∖Γ∗.
Define the two singular functions (see [1, (10)])
Then, we explicitly write out the derivatives of these two functions
Hence, Lψ0 = 0. We now construct the singular function ψ1(x,t). The function \((d(t)-x) \psi _{0} \in C^{\gamma } (\bar { Q})\), but L((d(t) − x)ψ0)≠ 0. From the expressions above, one can check that
In addition, \(\sqrt {t} E\in C^{\gamma } (\bar { Q})\). Then, we define the continuous function
The remaining functions are similarly constructed. They are given by
and they satisfy for i = 1, 2, 3, 4
Either side of x = d, we have the Taylor expansions for the initial condition
with R0(x) ∈ C4(0, 1). Hence, we present the following expansionFootnote 3
Note that for i = 1, 2, 3, 4
which implies that [u(i)](d, 0) = [ϕ(i)](d).
Define the paramaterized exponential function
Using the inequality \(\text {erfc}(z) \leq C e^{-z^{2}} \leq C e^{\gamma ^{2}/4}e^{-\gamma z}, \forall z\) it follows that
For the next terms, we can also establish the bounds
on the second time derivatives
on the fourth space derivatives
and on the third space derivatives
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Gracia, J.L., O’Riordan, E. Numerical approximations to a singularly perturbed convection-diffusion problem with a discontinuous initial condition. Numer Algor 88, 1851–1873 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11075-021-01098-6
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11075-021-01098-6