Spelling errors are fundamental errors in text writing. The digital era has added another dimension called keyboard layout to this problem. Memorization, language orthography, and keyboard layout are sources of spelling errors in electronic texts. English is being the linked language of the world, good quantum of work towards the spelling error detection and plausible suggestions has been done for English language. But it is not the case for digital resources scarce languages like Indian languages. Marathi which is the official language of Maharashtra State in India and the world’s 10th highest spoken language is not exception to this. Various computational approaches for spelling error detection and correction have been advocated in the literature. Amongst these, similarity-based measures have proven to be the prominent ones. This paper discusses the detailed contrastive study of the two popular similarity measures viz. minimum edit distance and cosine similarity measures in the context of mis-spelled Marathi words. The philosophical and empirical aspects of these methods have also been presented. For experimentation purpose we have chosen a dataset of 9, 29, 663 unique Marathi words harvested from various sources. We have obtained an accuracy of 85.88% and 86.76% for minimum edit distance algorithm and the cosine similarity algorithm, respectively.
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Patil, K.T., Bhavsar, R.P. & Pawar, B.V. Contrastive study of minimum edit distance and cosine similarity measures in the context of word suggestions for misspelled Marathi words. Multimed Tools Appl 82, 15573–15591 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-022-13948-z
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-022-13948-z