In this paper, a fractional-order memristive band-pass filter (BPF) chaotic circuit is constructed base on BPF chaotic circuit and fractional definition. The attractor and fractal characteristics are analyzed through phase diagrams and time domain response diagrams. In addition, randomness of the chaotic pseudo-random sequences is tested through NIST SP800–22 and correlation of sequence. According to the fractional-order chaotic system and Back-Propagation (BP) neural network, a lossless image compression-encryption algorithm is proposed. In this algorithm, the original image is compressed through BP neural network, and then the compressed image is encrypted by using Zigzag algorithm and xor operation. Numerical simulation results show that the proposed algorithm not only can effectively compression-encryption image, but also have the great security performances, which provides theoretical guide for the application of this algorithm in information safety, and secret communication field.
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This work was supported by the Basic Scientific Research Projects of Colleges and Universities of Liaoning Province (Grant Nos. 2017 J045); Provincial Natural Science Foundation of Liaoning (Grant Nos. 20170540060).
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Feifei yang designed and carried out experiments, data analyzed and manuscript wrote. Jun Mou made the theoretical guidance for this paper. Kehui Sun designed and improved the algorithm. Ran Chu improved the algorithm. All authors reviewed the manuscript.
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Yang, F., Mou, J., Sun, K. et al. Lossless image compression-encryption algorithm based on BP neural network and chaotic system. Multimed Tools Appl 79, 19963–19992 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-020-08821-w
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-020-08821-w