Recently using Scalable Video Coding (SVC) in Dynamic Adaptive Streaming of over HTTP (DASH) has attracted more and more attention. In this paper, we present a Quality-of-Experience (QoE) driven Cross-Layer Scheme (QCLS) for DASH-based scalable video transmission over LTE. Specifically, assuming the priority-based extraction be exploited for bitstream adaption, we first propose a new continuous Rate-Distortion (RD) model for scalable video stream. Then to guarantee continuous playback, a two-level rate adaption algorithm is presented: a novel throughput-based algorithm is implemented for dynamic selection of segment bitrate on the DASH client side at the first level, and the second level applies the rate adaption by designing a suitable packet scheduling strategy at the Base Station. The packets of each segment with lower priority that are still left in the packet queues when their playback deadline is missed, would be considered as the ones that are beyond the actual transmission ability and discarded by the second-level rate adaption. Furthermore, in order to reasonably utilize the wireless resources in LTE (Long-Term Evolution) system, a cross-layer optimization problem that maximizes the total weighted received quality of the currently transmitted segments for all clients is formulated. In view of its high complexity of obtaining the optimal solution, we develop an approach of the suboptimal solution, which can determine a locally optimal transmission strategy in resource allocation as well as the corresponding Modulation and Coding Scheme. Accordingly, the transmission rate of each client can be obtained. Simulation results show that our proposed cross-layer scheme can provide better performance than the existing ones for DASH-based scalable video transmission over LTE.
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Deng, R., Liu, G. QoE driven cross-layer scheme for DASH-based scalable video transmission over LTE. Multimed Tools Appl 77, 6445–6469 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-017-4551-y
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-017-4551-y