Based on hyper-chaotic systems, a novel image encryption algorithm is introduced in this paper. The advantages of our proposed approach are that it can be realized easily in one round diffusion process and is computationally very simple while attaining high security level, high key sensitivity, high plaintext sensitivity and other properties simultaneously. The key stream generated by hyper-chaotic system is related to the original image. Moreover, to encrypt each pixel, we use the sum of pixels which are located after that pixel. The algorithm uses different summations when encrypting different input images (even with the same sequence based on hyper-chaotic system). This, in turn, will considerably enhance the cryptosystem resistance against known/chosen-plaintext and differential attacks. The change rate of the number of pixels in the cipher-image when only one pixel of the original image is modified (NPCR) and the Unified Average Changing Intensity (UACI) are already very high (NPCR > 99.80233 % and UACI > 33.55484 %). Also, experimental results such as key space analysis, histograms, correlation coefficients, information entropy, peak signal-to-noise ratio, key sensitivity analysis, differential analysis and decryption quality, show that the proposed image encryption algorithm is secure and reliable, with high potential to be adopted for the secure image communication applications.
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Norouzi, B., Mirzakuchaki, S., Seyedzadeh, S.M. et al. A simple, sensitive and secure image encryption algorithm based on hyper-chaotic system with only one round diffusion process. Multimed Tools Appl 71, 1469–1497 (2014). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-012-1292-9
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-012-1292-9