The coffee berry borer (CBB), Hypothenemus hampei, is the most destructive insect pest affecting coffee plantations in most coffee-producing countries, hence causing major economic losses worldwide. The cryptic life cycle of CBB inside coffee berries makes their control extremely difficult. To tackle this problem, we use a dynamical model describing the plant–pest interactions during a cropping season, which includes a berry age structure to account for CBB preference for mature berries. We introduce two environmentally friendly control methods, consisting in applying a bio-insecticide to reduce berry infestation and in trapping the colonising CBB. Our objective is to maximise the profit generated by the harvest of healthy coffee berries, while minimising the CBB population for the next cropping season. The existence of an optimal control strategy is provided, and necessary optimality conditions are established. Finally, the optimal control problem is solved numerically and simulations are provided. They show that combining the two control methods is a cost-effective strategy to protect coffee berries from CBB infestation.
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This work was supported by EPITAG, an Inria associated team part of the LIRIMA (https://team.inria.fr/epitag/), as well as the Collège doctoral régional de l’Afrique Centrale et des Grands Lacs “Mathématiques, Informatique, Biosciences et Géosciences de l’Environnement” (AUF, French Embassy in Cameroon, IRD).
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Communicated by Vincenzo Capasso.
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Breakdown of the Optimal Control Impact
Breakdown of the Optimal Control Impact
Figures 5 and are obtained by numerically solving optimal control Problem 3.1 to obtain the optimal control pair \((u^{\star },v^{\star })\), but then applying only one of the two controls and setting the other one to zero to integrate system (3). We hence observe the impact of the bio-insecticide (\(u^{\star }\)) alone and the traps (\(v^{\star }\)) alone on the crop–pest dynamics.
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Fotso Fotso, Y., Touzeau, S., Grognard, F. et al. Optimal Control of Coffee Berry Borers: Synergy Between Bio-insecticide and Traps. J Optim Theory Appl 196, 882–899 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10957-022-02151-7
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10957-022-02151-7