In this work, we show that, given a nonlinear programming problem, it is possible to construct a family of dynamical systems, defined on the feasible set of the given problem, so that: (a) the equilibrium points are the unknown critical points of the problem, which are asymptotically stable, (b) each dynamical system admits the objective function of the problem as a Lyapunov function, and (c) explicit formulas are available without involving the unknown critical points of the problem. The construction of the family of dynamical systems is based on the Control Lyapunov Function methodology, which is used in mathematical control theory for the construction of stabilizing feedback. The knowledge of a dynamical system with the previously mentioned properties allows the construction of algorithms, which guarantee the global convergence to the set of the critical points.
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The author would like to thank Prof. Lars Grüne for his valuable comments and suggestions. The contribution of Prof. Lars Grüne to this work is major. George Athanasiou helped very much with the typesetting of the paper.
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Communicated by Nobuo Yamashita.
Proof of Lemma 2.1
First notice that by virtue of Fact 2, the following equality holds for all \(\xi=(\xi_{1} ,\dots,\xi_{k} )'\in\mathbb{R} ^{k} \):
Equation (53) implies that \(Q(x)\in\mathbb{R} ^{k\times k} \) is positive semidefinite. Suppose that Q(x) is not positive definite. Then there exists a nonzero vector \(\xi=(\xi_{1} ,\ldots,\xi_{k} )'\in \mathbb{R} ^{k}\) with ξ′Q(x)ξ=0. Consequently, Eq. (53) shows that we must have H(x)B′(x)ξ=0 and ξ j =0 for all j=1,…,k with g j (x)<0. Fact 3 implies that there exists \(\lambda\in\mathbb{R} ^{m} \) such that B′(x)ξ=A′(x)λ. The previous equality implies that
Since ξ j =0 for all j=1,…,k with g j (x)<0 and since \(\xi=(\xi_{1} ,\dots,\xi_{k} )'\in\mathbb{R} ^{k} \) is non-zero, we conclude from (54) that assumption (H2) is violated. The proof is complete. □
Proof of the claim made in the proof of Theorem 3.1
Let η>0 be arbitrary. We distinguish two cases.
Case 1: The set \(\{x\in\tilde{S} : d(x)\ge\eta \}\) is empty, where \(\tilde{S}\subseteq S\) is defined by (32), and d(x) is defined by (33). In this case, implication (34) holds trivially with arbitrary δ η >0.
Case 2: The set \(\{x\in\tilde{S} : d(x)\ge\eta \}\) is nonempty.
The continuity of the distance function d(x) and the compactness of \(\tilde{S}\subseteq S\) implies that the set \(\{x\in\tilde{S} : d(x)\ge\eta \}\) is compact. Statements (b) and (c) of Theorem 2.1 guarantee that the quantity
is well defined and positive. Let \(x\in\tilde{S}\) with d(x)≥η be an arbitrary point. We denote by z(t) the unique solution of the initial-value problem \(\dot{z}=F(z)\) with z(0)=x. We also notice that the vector field F as defined by (8), (9) is locally Lipschitz on a neighborhood of S. By the compactness of \(\tilde{S}\subseteq S\), there exists a constant L≥0 such that
Inequality (56), the fact that z(s) belongs to the compact set of all z∈S with θ(z)≤θ(x), and standard arguments show that the following inequality holds for all s≥0:
Next, we notice that the problem
with I(x)≠∅ admits at least one solution (since the mapping y→|y−x−sF(x)|2 is radially unbounded). Any solution \(y\in\mathbb{R} ^{n} \) of problem (58) with I(x)≠∅ satisfies for all s≥ 0:
The above inequalities hold trivially for the case I(x)=∅ and y=x+sF(x). Define:
We will show next that implication (34) holds with δ η >0 defined by
First, we show the implication
It suffices to show that g j (y)≤0 for all j∉I(x). Notice that by the definition of the set I(x)⊆{1,…,k} it follows that g j (x+sF(x))≤−ε for all s∈[0,ε] and j∉I(x). Using (59), we obtain for all s∈[0,r]:
Since g j (x+sF(x))≤−ε for all s∈[0,ε] and j∉I(x), we obtain from (57), (59), (64) and (60) for all s∈[0,ε] and j∉I(x):
Inequality (65) in conjunction with definition (62) shows that g j (y)≤0 for all j∉I(x), provided that s≤δ η .
By implication (63) we are left with the task of proving the inequality θ(y)≤θ(x)+λs∇θ(x)F(x) for all s≤δ η and \(x\in\tilde{S}\) with d(x)≥η. Using (59), we obtain for all s∈[0,r]:
where \(K=\frac{1}{2} \max \{ \vert \nabla^{2} \theta(z)\vert : \vert z\vert \le\beta \}\). The derivation of (66) follows from majorizing the second derivative of the mapping w→p(w)=θ(x+w(y−x)) and using the inequality |y−x|≤2s|F(x)| (which is a direct consequence of (59)). It follows from (59), (57), (66), and (61) that the following inequality holds for all s∈[0,r]:
Definitions (55), (62) and inequality (67) allow us to conclude that the inequality θ(y)≤θ(x)+λs∇θ(x)F(x) holds for all s≤δ η . The proof is complete. □
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Karafyllis, I. Feedback Stabilization Methods for the Solution of Nonlinear Programming Problems. J Optim Theory Appl 161, 783–806 (2014). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10957-013-0459-5
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10957-013-0459-5