This paper addresses a class of algorithms for solving bound-constrained black-box global optimization problems. These algorithms partition the objective function domain over multiple scales in search for the global optimum. For such algorithms, we provide a generic procedure and refer to as multi-scale optimization (MSO). Furthermore, we propose a theoretical methodology to study the convergence of MSO algorithms based on three basic assumptions: (a) local Hölder continuity of the objective function f, (b) partitions boundedness, and (c) partitions sphericity. Moreover, the worst-case finite-time performance and convergence rate of several leading MSO algorithms, namely, Lipschitzian optimization methods, multi-level coordinate search, dividing rectangles, and optimistic optimization methods have been presented.
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As the problem has been formulated as one of maximization, the words optimize, maximize and their conjugated forms are going to be used interchangeably.
At \(t=1\), the root node gets evaluated J times and partitioned into K nodes; \(P=Q=1\) for all MSO algorithms, irrespective of their values at \(t>1\).
This is the same x(n) of Eq. (2).
Bounding the approximation error could be valid with a probability of \(\gamma \ge 0\). In such case, any related analysis holds with a probability of \(\gamma \).
In this paper, we refer to the work of Piyavskii [43] and Shubert [56] by LO. Nevertheless, it should be noted that Strongin [60] independently employed the Lipschitz condition for optimization problems. While Piyavskii and Shubert used a priori given constant L, Strongin proposed to adaptively estimate the Lipschitz constant during the search.
One function evaluation may belong to one or more nodes.
We are treating MSO as an n-round sequential decision making process. For MSO algorithms, n may correspond to the number of iterations, evaluations, or expansions. All three quantities are interrelated. Generally, we mean by n the number of evaluations if not stated otherwise.
we shall consider this presumption throughout our analysis. In other words, for n node expansions, there are Kn node evaluations.
The purpose of presenting \(\acute{\ell }\) is to quantify how big \({\mathcal {X}}_\epsilon \) is, and consequently to introduce the near-optimality dimension (presented shortly). It does not always hold. Consider a constant function (e.g., \(f(x)=5\)), for which \(\acute{\ell }(x^*,x)\) should be 0. This violates the definition of \(\acute{\ell }\) with \(\acute{L}\) being a positive real constant. Nevertheless, it implies that \(\ell (x^*,x)=0\le \epsilon \;, \forall x \in {\mathcal {X}}\) and hence \({\mathcal {X}}_\epsilon ={\mathcal {X}}\). In other words, all the nodes at all depths have to be expanded to find the optimal node, yet each one of them is an optimal node. In summary, if \(\acute{\ell }\) does not exist, the whole search space is considered as \(\epsilon \)-optimal. Note that Assumption 1 implies \(\beta \ge \alpha \).
To the best of our knowledge, there is no finite-time analysis of DIRECT (only the consistency property \(\lim _{n\rightarrow \infty } r(n)= 0\) given by Jones et al. [29] which was proven again in [16] by Finkel and Kelley. Furthermore, they showed, based on nonsmooth analysis, that certain samples of DIRECT may converge to points that satisfy the necessary conditions for optimality defined by Clarke [8]).
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Al-Dujaili, A., Suresh, S. & Sundararajan, N. MSO: a framework for bound-constrained black-box global optimization algorithms. J Glob Optim 66, 811–845 (2016). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10898-016-0441-5
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10898-016-0441-5