For a connected graph G, an instance I is a set of pairs of vertices and a corresponding routing R is a set of paths specified for all vertex-pairs in I. Let \(\mathfrak {R}_I\) be the collection of all routings with respect to I. The undirected optical index of G with respect to I refers to the minimum integer k to guarantee the existence of a mapping \(\phi :R\rightarrow \{1,2,\ldots ,k\}\), such that \(\phi (P)\ne \phi (P')\) if P and \(P'\) have common edge(s), over all routings \(R\in \mathfrak {R}_I\). A natural lower bound of the undirected optical index is the edge-forwarding index, which is defined to be the minimum of the maximum edge-load over all possible routings. Let w(G, I) and \(\pi (G,I)\) denote the undirected optical index and edge-forwarding index with respect to I, respectively. In this paper, we derive the inequality \(w(T,I_A)<\frac{3}{2}\pi (T,I_A)\) for any tree T, where \(I_A:=\{\{x,y\}:\,x,y\in V(T)\}\) is the all-to-all instance.
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The authors thank the referees for reading the manuscript carefully and providing helpful suggestions that improve the presentation of the paper. This work was supported in part by the National Science and Technology Council of Taiwan (Nos. 112-2115-M-153-004-MY2 and 104-2115-M-009-009) and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities of China (No. 30920021127).
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Lo, YH., Fu, HL., Zhang, Y. et al. The undirected optical indices of trees. J Comb Optim 49, 22 (2025). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10878-024-01255-2
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10878-024-01255-2